Chapter 8__Bonding

Start from the beginning

We were laughing, chatting and eating until my eyes drifted to the person that just entered the cafe.
"Emir!" I called out waving my hand.

He looked in my direction as he smiled and walked up to our table.
"Selam people, what a coincidence." He greeted.
"Emir Aabey? What are you doing here?" Aslihan smiled slightly.

"This is my usual place, I come here daily for my morning coffee. " He smiled.
"Why don't you join us?" Zakariya interrupted.
"Sure it's my pleasure!" He pulled up a chair.

We chatted for a while and I noticed how formal Aslihan and Zakariya were with Emir.
Emir did told me he isn't closed with Abdul Razzaq but seems like he isn't close with any one of them.

"So how's your business plan going? Thought of anything yet?" Emir asked bursting my bubble of thoughts.
"Uh...yeah but where would I find the place to establish my clinic? I barely know where I live." I smiled nervously.

"What business plan?" Aslihan asked.
We told them all about my plan of opening a clinic and helping people and raise awareness about mental health.

It's very important for me to work on this business plan not just because I just want to be rich or independent.

I want to do it because I  wanna help people.
People think that the person dealing with depression or anxiety are just crazy.
But it's not true. I wanna raise awareness about mental health and help people.

I know how those people feel because I went through with it.
And I had no one to help me except Allah.
Only he knows how I beared all those pains.

That's why I wanna do it so that I can be there for someone even though no one was there for me.

They seemed pretty impressed as Emir told them about my plan and they offered to help as well.
"Don't worry Kulsum, I think I can arrange a place for your clinic." Emir looked up at me.
"Wait-what? No no please I don't wanna bother you." I denied.

"Of course not! You're family and we help each other out and besides I'm into real estate to this should be a piece of cake. " He protested.
Aslihan and Zakariya too loved his idea and we began talking more about it and discussing drafts.




Abdul Razzaq's POV-

"I don't care if they didn't packet it yet! I want them packed and shipped in 2 hours, do whatever it takes!" I yelled at Hamza and ended the call.

I didn't look after the company for 1 week and they sabotaged the entire order.
I texted Hamza to fire all those people who didn't do their job properly.

I was fuming with anger with my temple sweating.
I was walking back and forth in my room when I noticed a car stopped in front of the gate.

That isn't mine or Zakariya's car but it looked familiar.
Just then Emir walked out of the driver seat and opened the door of the passenger seat and Kulsum got out of it.

My blood started to boil like crazy upon seeing both of them together AGAIN!
I closed my fists tightly as I banged my hand on the table.

He soon left and Kulsum entered the room with a smile on her face.
"Where were you?" I asked meeting her gaze.
"Oh Aslihan and Zakariya took me out for 'brunch' and surprisingly Emir joined us too. Aslihan and Zakariya were getting late for their college so Emir offered the ride home." She replied softly.

"What did I tell you about staying away from Emir?" I flared my nostrils.
"It's not my fault that we clashed coincidentally in the cafe. Why are you being so uptight?" She scoffed and folded her arms.

"That's what I'm trying to tell you! It's not a coincidence, he's getting close to you on purpose!" My voice darkened.
"You're delusional. And even if he is why do you care so much? I thought we were getting divorce after 7 months and we don't meddle into each other's business. " she raised her voice.

I don't know what's happening to me as something inside me snapped and I shoved her against the wall and blocked her way with both of my arms.

"Don't test my patience. You have no idea who I am and what I'm capable of." I whispered as my voice darkened.
Her eyes met mine and all those rage inside me washed away like the water washes away the fire.

I got distracted by her beautiful freckles which were prettier up close.
My eyes drifted to her rose pink lips which were soft like cotton.
Suddenly today's incident hit me and I gulped as I pulled away.

How come this girl has so much control over me.
I can't even be angry around her for long! She has me going mad!


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Also if you want spoilers and reels about Abdul Razzaq and Kulsum please follow my Instagram account.

Instagram user- moonstone_booklover

Love ya'll

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