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"I'm sorry

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"I'm sorry." 

"Beatrix?" The room fell silent as Finn questioned her. She didn't say anything, just a quiet nod which made Finn uneasy. "Okay.. Okay you and Murphy go upstairs, watch the rear."

Beatrix sighed softly, the room quieting further at her apparent frustration. "Why am I always with Murphy?" she raised her voice, laced with exasperation. She heard everyone sigh in relief. 

"Pure entertainment." Clarke answered, smirking as she glanced at Beatrix.

Finn redirected the conversation, turning to Clarke, Bellamy, and Raven. "I'll take the lower level. You three, take the front gate." They silently acknowledged his instructions with nods. "That's the plan. All right?"

Beatrix knew they didn't need two people on the upstairs, but she followed Murphy regardless, who didn't speak a word, sensing the tension in the air. 

"Murphy-" Beatrix cut the tension.

"Did you know?" His voice was barely audible.

Beatrix faltered, caught off guard. "What-" she began.

"I said did you fucking know?" He raised his voice to a yell as she took a step back. 

Her face twisted in anger, as she yelled right back at him. "No I didn't know, Jesus christ chill the fuck out!"

"Finn!" Clarke's shout cut through their argument as they shared a look of panic.

"Finn-" Raven cried out and Beatrix raced down the ladder to see Finn standing by the borders with his arms up.

Before anyone could react, he was seized by grounders, sending shock through the group. Beatrix stood frozen, her eyes wide with disbelief.

He was instantly seized by grounders and Beatrix only watched, eyes wide. She quickly rushed to Raven, hugging her as they watched Finn disappear. 

She rushed to Raven's side, tightly wrapping her arms around her her as if she was going to lose her too. The group watched, helpless as Finn was taken away by the grounders. The silence persisted, broken only by the distant echoes of their fading footsteps, leaving everyone in a haunting quietness. 

"We need to get back to camp." Beatrix eventually broke the silence, and the rest of them just muttered a 'yes' in response as they silently headed back. 

"You okay?" Murphy's voice held a rare note of concern as he approached Beatrix. 

"Why would you care?" Beatrix muttered, keeping her guard up.

"Forget it," Murphy muttered coldly, leaving her alone. 

Left alone with her thoughts, Beatrix watched him retreat, feeling an unusual pang of regret. She found herself concentrating on the genuine concern in Murphy's voice rather than the fact that her best friend was taken by grounders to die.  

a little death - John Murphy, enemies to loversWhere stories live. Discover now