bad idea!

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Beatrix had fallen asleep, her illness calming down. Bellamy kept a watchful eye over her all night, not allowing Murphy anywhere near her. 

The morning was filled with panic, as people anxiously prepared for what lay ahead. The illness had run its course through most of the survivors, leaving them weakened but no longer bedridden. It was a bittersweet relief, for now, their immediate concern was not the sickness but the impending threat of the Grounders.

The uncertainty weighed heavily on their minds. They knew that lives were at stake, that they would soon face a war, and that sacrifices would be inevitable. It was a grim reality that hung over them, and the tension in the camp was evident.

Beatrix stood with Clarke, demanding a rundown on what the plans were. 

"We've constructed a bomb that we'll use to blow up the bridge when they come. Raven and Finn went to plant it, and Jasper will set it off by shooting it."

Beatrix's eyes widened as she absorbed the information. "That's... drastic." The gravity of their situation was becoming increasingly clear. "But in a good way." she added. 

Clarke nodded, her expression grim. "It's our first line of defence."

Beatrix nodded, "I'll help in any way I can." Before she could fully absorb the weight of the situation, Bellamy interrupted, handing her a gun. His voice was stern as he ordered, "Keep yourself safe."

As they continued their discussion, the tense atmosphere around the camp thickened. The conversation was abruptly shattered by a deafening explosion that echoed through the air, followed by the ground trembling beneath their feet. Their faces twisted in alarm as they realised the source of the explosion.

"I am become death.. Destroyer of worlds." Clarke muttered as they all stared at the huge explosion, Her reference to Oppenheimer's famous quote hung in the air, a chilling reminder of the destructive power they had unleashed. Bellamy stayed quiet and so she explained herself awkwardly. "It's Oppenheimer. The man who built the first-"

"I know who Oppenheimer is." Bellamy replied, giving her a smirk. 

Tension still hung in the air as Jasper and Monty finally made their appearance, their arrival met with cheers and applause. Jasper had his moment, and he was hailed as a hero. Beatrix couldn't help but smile at her friend, genuinely happy for him.

But her smile was short-lived as her gaze fell on Finn, who was not far behind, carrying Raven, who was struggling to walk. Beatrix's smile faded, replaced by a heavy sense of concern. Her breath hitched, and she ran over to her friends.

"Raven?!" She panicked, turning to Finn. "Is she okay?"

"It's the same disease that everyone got." He explained and Beatrix's concern deepened as she took in Raven's appearance, the sight of blood seeping from her nose down to her mouth, she was barely conscious. The outbreak of the illness had already taken a toll on their group, and it seemed that Raven was the last victim.

a little death - John Murphy, enemies to loversWhere stories live. Discover now