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"Go". Beatrix urged Octavia to go see the grounder, and although she did want to go with her, she figured it would be best to leave the two alone. She sighed, relaxing back into her chair.

The high had worn off as morning started to come through, she wondered about Murphy. He was probably dead by now, what else would they do to him? She hadn't even visited Finn, and Octavia had been gone for a while.

Beatrix decided to see how Finn was doing, hoping she'd run into Raven while she was there. As Beatrix approached the area where Finn was being kept, she couldn't shake the unease that had settled in her chest. The uncertainty of his situation and the turmoil in their lives had left her feeling vulnerable, and she longed for some reassurance that their friends were safe.

As she entered, her eyes fell upon Finn, who was sitting lying on the bed as she saw when she last left him. At least this time he was conscious, looking much more alive.

"Hey, Finn," Beatrix said softly, approaching him with a mixture of concern and relief. "How are you holding up?"

Finn looked up, his eyes meeting Beatrix's, and managed a weak smile. "I've been better, but I'll survive. Clarke patched me up pretty good"

Beatrix nodded, hearing Raven suck in a breath, watching her face falter slightly at the mention of Clarke. Raven and Finn had just been pretending, acting as if nothing had happened. And Beatrix felt the thick tension in the room.

"I'll leave you to it, just wanted to check up on you." She smiled, giving Finn a gentle hug, her own past arguments with him momentarily forgotten. She then turned to Raven, offering an understanding look before exiting the tent.

She found Monty and Jasper, looking pretty high themselves. "Earth is amazing," Monty mumbled, his words slurred. "Fresh air, trees, nuts. This is better than usual right?" He glanced at Jasper, laying down. "I'd like to give earth a giant hug."

"Hey boys, what's going on." She questioned, sharing a confused look with Jasper as Monty's behaviour appeared increasingly odd.

Jasper, lost in his own world, seemed to struggle with forming coherent sentences. "You're acting weird." He spoke to Monty.

"I feel weird." Monty replied, and Beatrix narrowed her eyes "But in a good way" He added, winking at the girl.

"Are you high?" Beatrix questioned, and was ignored. Jasper, seemed to have other concerns. "I gotta pee," he mumbled, ignoring Beatrix's presence.

Monty, still confused by the situation, replied, "I haven't taken anything?" He leaned back, and Beatrix, equally baffled, left them to their bizarre state.

As she walked away from the tent, she heard Jasper's panicked voice calling after her. "Beatrix! Beatrix! I think I'm going crazy," he whispered. "Either the grounders are here, or I'm going crazy."

a little death - John Murphy, enemies to loversWhere stories live. Discover now