enemies with benefits

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"We may not like each other, but we definitely know how to

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"We may not like each other, but we definitely know how to..."


The light shone through the drop ship, waking Beatrix from her sleep beside Murphy, his arm still wrapped tightly around her. She looked up to see Jaha standing over them.

"Ahh," she yelped, pushing Murphy away from her as she scrambled to sit up.

"What the hell, man?" Murphy yelled, glaring at Jaha. "That's creepy as fuck."

"Come outside," Jaha said, his tone urgent.

Beatrix groaned, exhausted. "Give us an extra ten minutes?" she begged, rolling over to go back to sleep.

"Get up," Jaha insisted, shaking her shoulder. Murphy stood up, aggressively shoving him backwards.

"Get your hands off her," he spat, as Beatrix sat up, rubbing her eyes.

Ignoring Murphy's outburst, Jaha turned his attention to Beatrix. "Both of you come outside," he said firmly.

"I will not have you tell me what to do," she yelled, her voice thick with irritation. "We took you to your son's grave, who was fucking annoying by the way. We owe you no favours, you should be-"

"Blake," Murphy interrupted, shoving her. "Shut up and listen."

Outside, faint chants of "Chancellor, Jaha, Jaha" could be heard, urging them to join the crowd. Beatrix sighed, reluctantly climbing to her feet. She shot Murphy a weary look before following Jaha out of the drop ship, her mind still fuzzy from sleep.

As they stood at the opening to the drop ship, Murphy and Beatrix looked at the crowd of people waiting.

"The fuck is going on?" Murphy spat, the early morning awakening not doing much to improve his mood.

Beatrix shared his sentiment, her brows furrowed in irritation. "What is this?" she demanded, her tone sharp and accusatory.

"We're going to the city of light." Jaha announced, standing with his crowd.

"You're going now?" Beatrix questioned, scoffing. 

"We're not going whatever this city of light is. You can go for it, but leave me and Blake out of it, there's a million ways to die out there." Murphy declared, his tone laced with irritation. 

"If it's not your time, nothing can kill you. If it is your time it only takes one," Jaha countered, his conviction unwavering. Beatrix exchanged a skeptical look with Murphy, her doubts mirroring his own.

"You sound like a crazy person," she remarked, her skepticism evident in her voice. "Do you even have a map?"

"Nope," Jaha admitted nonchalantly, eliciting a huff of frustration from the teenagers.

a little death - John Murphy, enemies to loversWhere stories live. Discover now