leaving tonight

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"we didn't poison the wine

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"we didn't poison the wine."

"Beatrix-" Bellamy spoke with a warning tone, stepping forward.

"I said let me speak to her," Beatrix continued, her voice rising above Bellamy's attempts to intervene.

Indra looked hesitant, but with a nod from another grounder, she seized Beatrix's arm, leading her forcefully toward the commander's tent. As she was dragged away, Beatrix glanced behind, watching the grounder pulling Raven towards the tree.

"What do you want? I've been clear. I want only one," Lexa stated coldly as Beatrix was brought before her.

Lexa's cold voice cut through the silence as Beatrix was brought before her. "What do you want? I've been clear. I want only one."

"We didn't poison the wine," Beatrix shrugged dismissively.

Lexa's gaze sharpened, and she crossed her arms, a silent demand for proof. "You're not the first to make such claims," Lexa said, her voice unreadable.

Beatrix grabbed the wine bottle, taking a gulp. "One of your own tried to kill you, not one of mine."

"Explain." Lexa replied.

"The poison was in the cup, not the bottle. Otherwise, I'd react like Gustus did," Beatrix explained, turning her attention to Gustus, adding, "Speaking of, that poison seemed to have the perfect antidote for you considering you are now fine."

Murphy, standing beside Beatrix, pushed forward. "It's a trick, Commander. Don't be deceived," Gustus urged.

"It was you," Murphy accused, eyeing Gustus.

Beatrix lightly shoved Murphy aside. "Gustus tested the cup, and he searched Raven."

Lexa's eyes widened, hesitantly shifting her gaze to Gustus. "Gustus would never harm me," she defended.

"You weren't the target. The alliance was," Murphy spoke. "We didn't do this, and you know it."

Lexa's gaze shifted between Beatrix and Gustus. "You've been accused, Gustus. Speak true."

Gustus confessed reluctantly. "This alliance would cost you your life, Heda. I couldn't let that happen."

"This treachery will cost you yours". Lexa stated, her expression devoid of emotion. "Put him on the tree." She ordered Indra in a hushed tone, and turned back to face Beatrix. "Thank you. You may leave." 

Beatrix nodded and sprinted towards Raven, who was being carried by Bellamy from the tree. The few marks of 'Death by one hundred cuts' on Raven's skin. "Beatrix!" Raven gasped, stumbling into Beatrix. "Thank you."

"It's okay," Beatrix whispered, refusing to let go of Raven, closing her eyes as if to shield herself from the horror. "I thought I was gonna lose you as well."

a little death - John Murphy, enemies to loversWhere stories live. Discover now