chapter forty-eight

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'They had become family'

-Love Prevails-

Jimin's frantic.

Refusing to let go of the raven below him, Jimin can only cry, practically screaming as he takes in the General's now closed eyes.

Those beautiful eyes. Those beautifully handsome eyes. Jimin remembered how that was always the first thing he searched for when looking for Jungkook. Not his hair, nor his height, but those dark, doe eyes.

And now they were closed.

"Do something!" He pleads, the voice so out of character for him it even shocks Taehyung. The man had never seen Jimin so terrified in his life..

Doctor Yoon only looks at Jimin in sorrow, not moving as she puts down her stethoscope down and turns to him.

"There's nothing I can do, Jimin. I'm sorry." She says honestly, and Jimin only shakes his head in denial. He refused to accept that.

"N-No. You said it could work. You.. You said you would do everything you could." He cries, softly crawling on top of the raven to hug him once more.

No, Jungkook wasn't gone. Jimin would just hold him till he woke up and it would all be okay. They would be okay.

"She did everything she could, Chim.." Taehyung says, tears streaming down his face as he too, cries for the General.

Jimin looks around the room as if they had all gone crazy. "No, he's not dead!" The blonde denies, ignoring the familiar headache that takes over his head a moment later.

He was getting worse by the second, and yet he didn't care.

"Tell them he's okay, Jin." The boy pleads, turning his attention to the raven as one last hope. Shock replaces his features when he slowly sees the General turn into Taehyung's embrace, letting the boy hug him as the man starts to sob at the realization.

Jimin can only continue to cry as he watches the exchange in shock.

Had Jungkook really died?

Slowly, while doctor Yoon Sits down in her chair in failure, Sanders runs a hand down his face in shock, and Jin cries in Taehyung's arms, Jimin softly places his ear to Jungkooks chest.

"You promised.." He whispers one last time, letting another tear fall into Jungkooks shirt as he closes his eyes, no longer caring about his fate. For just a moment, Jimin swears he hears a beat..

As if he could still hear him..

"It would be a shame to break that." A humorous voice croaks, making Jimin's eyes shoot open to look at Jungkook's face.

He swears he's dreaming when tired black eyes meet his. Not closed, open. Jungkook's eyes were open, and he was smiling.

He was smiling for Jimin.

"J-Jungkook?" Jimin asks weakly, terrified that if he closed his eyes for a second Jungkook would disappear.

Was he dreaming?

"Sweetheart." He replies softly, weakly opening his arms so that Jimin can immediately jump in them. The blonde lets out a cry as he latches on to the raven, sobbing into his neck as Jimin holds onto him for dear life. He can't help but notice how Jungkook's skin is now smooth, absent of the horrifying black veins that had formed only minutes ago.

The antidote had worked..

"I thought you were d-dead." Jimin's voice cracks, showing his heartbreak while everyone puts a hand over their mouth in relief.

General Jeon (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now