chapter forty-one

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"Despite how harsh he was, he deserved to be loved."

-The Things We Didn't Say-

Jimin does what he's told.

With shaky arms, he places his small hands to his ears and looks straight ahead, savoring the warmth of Jungkook's hand on his lower back as the raven gives him one last kiss and pushes him into the room.

Once that warmth leaves, Jimin realizes that he's completely, and utterly alone. He whimpers as he feels the air become thicker, darker, seeming to become sinister the further he walks into the room and attempts to ignore the demon flaring it's nostrils in his presence.

It only takes a moment for the being to realize what the scent is, almost immediately jumping forward with lanky claws and open fangs in attempt to devour the terrified boy.

Even in his peripheral vision he can see it lunge for him, making him immediately gasp and press himself as close as he can into the wall beside him.

He was hoping the chain would keep the Seir at least a good distance away from him, but quickly realizes hes helpless when he sees long white fingers only about two feet away from him.

The boy takes notice of the knife displayed on the concrete floor when he slides down the wall, the metal gleaming as if trying to speak to Jimin.

Jungkook knew he wouldn't use it, and so did Jimin, because as much as it would make his life easier, Jimin couldn't do it. He couldn't bring himself to kill something again.

He couldn't bring himself to face it..

The boy finds himself flinching every time the Seir lunges, the creature lacking no stamina as it repeats the action over and over again. It was as if it was oblivious to the chain holding it back, only holding one goal in mind as it continued to jump forward.

To kill Jimin.

"Jungkook..." Jimin cries softly, moaning the name as he brings his knees to his chest and tries to ignore everything around him.

Silence. Silence, and the sound of growling followed by long nails and sharp teeth.

Jungkook can't save him. The general was probably forced the leave the moment Jimin entered the room. The only people that could hear him would be the guards, but they were ordered not to do anything by agent Sanders.

Nobody could help him.

"Kookie." He still calls non the less, shaking as he once again places his palms against his ears to drown out the noises surrounding him. The lack of sound makes him a little less scared, but his relief is short lived when he hears sudden snap and sees the Seir jump even closer than before.

He knows he promised Jungkook he wouldn't, but Jimin can't help but look to his side with wide eyes at the demon clawing now only about a foot away from him, being held back by a rusty chain that he analyzes in his terror.

It only takes a couple of seconds for Jimin to see the problem, taking note of the way one piece of metal had been broken slightly, to where now if the Seir pulled on it the metal would start to bend open.

And eventually break.

Jimin practically screams as he makes eye contact with the large black orbs, scrambling to the door as he sees the creature getting ready to lunge again. The boy hesitates as he sprints, making a last second decision to grab the knife at his feet and run to the corner once more.

Jimin sobs as he holds the knife to his chest and watches the Seir jump at him with open arms, the metal creaking as it stretches behind the weight.

"Help!" He cries out, knowing it's only a matter of time before the chain breaks. He knows that this has to be a mistake, and that under no circumstances should the Seir be able to break free of its restraints.

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