Chapter 12

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Some people say that your life flashes before your eyes when you're about to die. Well, in a last show of luck, my mother didnt show up again. No, instead Mizuki was there, smiling and laughing, her black hair falling over her shoulders.

I smiled despite myself. I wanted to thank her, to tell her I loved her, to apologize for every time I had majorly screwed up.

And then the vision faded, and i didnt see anything, but I could feel a warmth spreading through me, one that I recognized but couldn't place.

Snap out of it!

My eyes opened to clouds quickly becoming lost above me as I fell.


I reached out, trying to create something below me to fall on. I was mentally and physically exhausted, but put everything I had left into one last attempt.

A small platform formed and my back collided with it almost immediately.

The sudden contact all but knocked me out and my concentration broke, so I began to fall again.

"Shit shit shit shit shit! Come on! Come on!"

My only thought left was to try and slow my fall with an updraft.

The corners of my vision began going black, but I could feel the wind ripping upwards against my shirt, much stronger than before.

My descent slowed, but only slightly.

I don't know how far away I was from the ground, but eventually my body finally gave up and I went limp as the wind stopped blowing.

Shoto pov

"Shoto! Get back here! We haven't finished training yet!" My father bellowed at me from where he stood halfway through the door of our training room. His flaming hair seemed extra bright, like his annoyance was fanning it.

I ignored him as I slipped my shoes on and walked out of our house. He may not have been finished, but I was, at least with being around him.

I walked down the sidewalk, subconsciously heading toward the park.

Four hours of non-stop training, at this rate I'll work myself to death before becoming number one.

My mind circled around bitter and resentful thoughts, ice slowly creeping up my arm.

Warm air blew against my face as I finally rounded the corner to the park, and then quickly changed to a forceful howling. Clouds shifted and churned angrily above, painting the sky a dark gray.

I continued to move deeper into the area, watching the turmoil up above. I walked out into the middle of the field, staring straight up.

Something caught my ear, behind the roaring of the wind, what sounded like a scream. It cut past the cacophony, clear and fearful in my ears.

Then, just as if it had all been a dream, sunlight was suddenly pouring through a cloudless sky.

My eyes were dazzled by the light, sending spots through my vision and causing me to stare down at the grass. And when I finally looked up again, that's when I saw her.

Oh shit!

The girl's body was limp as it fell through the air, only a few meters above the ground.

I was too far away, too many wasted seconds that could be the difference between life and death.

Shit shit shit!

Without thinking i threw my arm out, ice shooting across the ground and swerving upward beneath her. She landed with a thud on the makeshift slide, rolling down until she came to a stop as she reached the grass, blue hair draped over her face and blood slowly spilled over the slick frost.

As I ran towards the girl's body, I caught a glimpse of a gray streak in her hair, and my heart stopped.


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