Chapter 4

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Why was i hurt by that? I shouldnt have been. I shouldnt have cared. It was normal to want to make friends, i should be happy for her.

A chord i was playing caught me off guard, low, sad.

Damn it, dont let this get to me!

I put the instrument down and went to the basement to where i could hear the bag being abused again.

"Isnt it a bit too early to be hitting stuff?" i asked from the stairs, earning myself a shrug. I rolled my eyes and left.

I ran back upstairs and grabbed my guitar, slinging it over my shoulder and running out the front door. Musicians put their emotions into what they play, pouring out their soul in the only way they know how. My hair was bouncing in my face, most likely happy to be free of being held back all day. I went down to the park, sitting down on a large rock next to the lake, and pulled over the instrument. I began playing, channeling all of my feelings and letting them flow through the strings, expelling them into the world. For the first time in years, i allowed myself a brief moment to remember. I felt the lightning below my fingers, then get swept away, freeing me of my scourge, if only for a second.

Only for a second, i can forgive myself.

Shoto pov

I found myself walking through the park once more, as i had every day. It had been ten months since i heard the girl, so why was i still looking? I found her there every week, with the cloud dappled instrument, until maybe a month ago when she just disappeared.

I told myself i was just using it as an excuse to get away from my father, but, was it?

I had gotten home from the first day of school and immediately changed to go.

I checked the bench once more, but as usual it was empty. I sighed. Worth a try i guess.

I began walking home, noticing another girl on a bench up ahead. I had to admit, she was beautiful. Short, dark hair down to her shoulders and dark eyes that seemed to glow despite the color. She had a sketchbook in her lap, and was watching a father and his child intently. After a few minutes of sketching she stood up and walked off, leaving me alone once more.

When was i not alone?

I walked over and sat on the bench, an excuse not to have to go home. I watched as leaves slowly fell around me, drifting down to the ground. I stayed there for who knows how long, until i heard the first chord of a distant melody.

I stood up, searching for where the music was coming from. I followed a path until i reached the lake at the center of the park. She was there, sitting on a boulder a few meters away with her guitar in her lap. The sound was different than usual, stronger, deeper, sending electricity throughout my body.

I let out a breath. I had never heard anything like it, the sound reverberating through the air, sad and deep. In that moment, it was as if each note was a word, screaming for anyone to listen. I could hear the pain, the sadness, the anger within the words, feeling them fill me

Who is she? And why is she suffering this much?

I just stood off to the side of the trail, watching her blue hair sway from side to side with the melody.

It got late quickly, until only her silhouette was left.

"Kasumi!" A viced called through the darkness. She stopped playing, looking up to see the other girl from earlier.

She slung her guitar over her shoulder and jumped down, beginning to walk off. As she walked by, she finally noticed me. Her eyes widened, light glinting blue back to mine.

Kasumi pov

How did i not seen him sooner?

I was running from the rock and back up the trail, when i saw the shadows move, then made out the figure. It was a boy, my age, leaning against a tree. Light shone across white hair which grew to black as it cut off, too dark to make out color.

I was maybe a meter away, yet could still feel the emotions cast by his eyes.

Has he been here the whole time?

I felt my cheeks flush at the thought, then began running up the hill again.

"Why are you still out here?" Mizuki scolded me as we walked.

I just shrugged. "I lost track of time."

"I SPENT HALF AN HOUR COOKING US DINNER AND NOW THANKS TO YOU ITS GONE COLD! I HOPE YOUR HAPPY!" I stayed quiet. She let out a breath. "Ok whats wrong?"

"Just tired i guess." I lied horribly.

"Ok so whats the actual reason?"

"There was a boy back there, i think he was listening to me play and it just made self conscious." Now that wasn't a complete lie, i had been thinking about the boy which made me zone out, but it hadnt made me feel awkward in the least. I hated talking to people, more than anything, but i always felt safe when i was playing, even if there was a crowd. When i first moved in i refused to play for anyone, mainly because i didnt want damage the precious object. It was a believable excuse, a genius one in my opinion.

"Well thats not creepy." She joked.

Let go of the emotions, its over now anyway.

We walked home and reheated supper (after getting strictly reprimanded for letting it get cold).

"So Kirishima?" I kept my face emotionless as i sipped my soup but let mischief slip through.

"ITS NOT LIKE THAT!" Mizuki insisted, confirming my suspicions.

"We met during the entrance axams, so we're friends, now get your mind out of the gutter and finish your food!" she defended herself.

"You have to admit you two would be cute together." i teased further. "I can picture the fanart now."

"I hate you." she said, glaring daggers at me.

I just smiled pleasantly, then finished my supper and went upstairs.

"Good night!" i yelled from the top of the railing.

"Night." She grumbled.

I closed my door behind me, then sat down on my bed and went to sleep, not caring to change.

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