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I push his arm away from me and manage to get out of bed

I have an important shoot scheduled for me today
So without waiting for any longer I hop in the shower
After stepping out of the nice warm shower I blow dry my hair, put on light makeup and slip in my dress

I have decided to wear a cute lavender dresses
Which is off shoulder
Everyone always says that off shoulder clothes suit me best because they show case my shoulders properly

But there is a problem with this dress
It has a zipper in its back
And oh God, It is so difficult to zip this damn thing

My hands reach my back,
But weren't quite able to do the job and my nail extensions were not helping my situation at all

I peak through the bathrooms door
Taehyung is awake now and is on his phone

Having no choice I step out
"Umm...Taehyung" I say as he looks up at me
"Can you zip my dress" I say in a low tone while looking down

I think he didn't even hear what I said
As he gave me a questioning look
"My dress,
It's zipper is a bit low
I am not quite able to reach it
Can you help me" I say a bit loud this time, for him to hear
Because I'm sure the first time came out as a mumble

He nods and stands up
I turn around and move my hair to the front, displaying my bare back to him

When he reached upto me
I could feel hid eyes at my bare back
His one hand was on the zip while other made its way to my back
His touch was sending a tingling sensation down my spine

"You're leaving early today ?" He said while slowly zipping my dress,
I don't know if he is pushing the zipper up slowly on purpose or my mind has just stopped functioning

"Ye-yeah I have an important shoot" I hate myself for stuttering in front of him
I just don't know what happens to me

"Hmm" he zipped my dress,
I turned around to look at him
He is just like 5 cantemeters away from me
I have to look up, to see his face,
Because all I could see at my level was his chest,
Not like I was complaining though

It doesn't feel nice
The idea of him and Nancy being together
I just want to go to her and tell her to back off because Taehyung is all mine

But I can't
Because honestly I don't know if he is
I don't know what is going on inside of him

Maybe he wants Nancy to come and say the same to me

I shake my head to push this thought away and to come back to reality

I notice Taehyung looking at me with a confused look
"What are you thinking ?" He said and his right hand made its way to my cheek and started caressing it gently

"If I ask you something will you answer me honestly ?" I say
He only nods I response

"Will you give me a divorce ?" Maybe I am thinking to much, but I couldn't help but ask

"What ?"

"If Nancy says that she wants to get back with you,
Which she probably does
Will you give me divorce ?
I mean it's completely fine if you will
It's your choice
After all she is the one you love" I say breaking the eye contact with him by looking down

His other hand holds my chin and makes me look up at him

"I used to,
I used to love Nancy
I don't anymore
And if I had to get back with her
I wouldn't have broken up with her in the first place,
I don't like her"

"Do you like me ?" I don't know where this question came from, I don't know what is happening to me

He released his hold from my chin and the hand caressing my cheek wasn't there anymore

I knew it

He didn't have to say anything
His actions were enough for me to tell that he doesn't like me
It makes me feel stupid
I am the only one who is developing feelings

"I- i should go
I don't want to be late for my schedule" I say taking a step back

I hurriedly grab my bag which was laying on the dressing table and walk out of the room
I practically ran down the stairs
Gladly there was no one downstairs
Going outside I see the driver waiting for me
I get in the car without any delay

"Fuck" I curse loudly the moement she exits the room, closing the door behind

Why does it matter to me
Why do I feel bad for making her sad

The way she walked away from me,
Why did it make me feel like my heart was shattering into pieces
I don't even like her
Then why ?

After getting ready I go downstairs
I spot Nancy at the table, eating breakfast

"Good morning Taehyung" she said smiling at me

"Where's mom ?" I asked completely ignoring her

"She got a call from your aunt May and is probably in the garden talking with her" she replied,
The disappointed look was easily visible on her face after I ignored her

I take the seat away from her and serve myself some breakfast

"Are you really going to ignore me" Nancy said
I look at her

"Can you stop ignoring me
Because I know you don't want too" she said standing up from her chair

"And what makes you think that ?" I say trying to stay calm

"Because I love you and I know that you love me too
We both haven't moved on from each other
And you know that too
You only married that girl because your parents wanted you too
Why don't we move on from the past and have a new beginning,
Just us
Because I know that is something we both want,
We need each other Taehyung" she said walking to me and leaning down to me

She was about to kiss me but I stood up from the chair and pushed her away from me
Nancy looked at me in disbelief

"If you think all this shit that you just said is true
Then let me clear it out for you
I don't love you
You mean absolutely nothing to me and there is nothing I want more that you out of my life" I said or it was more like I shouted

I was fuming in rage
She was the one who ruined our relationship and left me completely broken
And she still believes that I love her

Yes maybe there is still a part in me which wants her
But it is not enough for me to not differentiate between what is right and what is wrong

My eyes were teary when I saw Taehyung leave

He said he doesn't love me anymore,
Is he acting this way to me because of that bitch

No matter what happens
Taehyung is all mine and I will get him back

No girl can take him away from me

So this was end of this chapter
Hope you all like it
Please ignore any mistakes
I don't own any of the pics above credit to the owners
Next chapter comming soon......
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For Him Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang