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During night I was sitting comfortably on the bed, after dinner
Taehyung hasn't returned back yet
And it is almost 12:00 am
What work can take this long ?

As I was just sitting while having nothing to do
So my mind starts to wonder
Thinking about what happened earlier in the day

Was he actually affected with me hanging out with Jungkook
I mean...it's not my fault
I wasn't the one to ignore the other person and leave literally before the sunrise
I say rolling around in the bed

'Just sleep' I tell myself

But after alot of trying, I still can't sleep
Not being able to sleep I decide to read a book
I'm sure reading will make me sleepy

I get up from the bed and pick a random book from Taehyung's shelf
The book is about some sort of murder mystery and fight
Like seriously this guy prefers to read this over beautiful love stories

I sit on the couch near the book shelf
I start reading the book
I haven't even completed the first chapter and I am already yawning
How can anyone actually read this shit

I don't even realize the moement I slump down in the couch and fall asleep

Today was a really tiring day
The meeting I had with Mr Min had took longer than expected
Because of the unexpected debate which started in between the discussion
And somehow lead to me threatening Mr Min to keep his mouth shut if would like to be alive

Then there was a power cut at the office building with caused the elevator to stop mid way
Due to which I was stuck in the elevator without any signal on my phone for more than an hour until my secretary finally realized that I was missing

I enter my room after an exhausting day
I notice the empty bed
'Where is Jennie ?' I wonder

Anyway I walk in the bathroom to take off a warm shower
When I walk out I see her tiny figure all curled up on the couch with one of my books laying their on her lap

With a sigh I walk up to her
Bending down to pick her up in my arms
I hold her fully secured like a priced possession

I didn't like her hanging out with Jungkook
It bothered me
But why ?
That reason is unknown

Then I gently lay her on the bed and cover her body with blanket
I just sit there looking at her face
I don't realize that for actually how long I have been sitting like this
Until I notice her shift and slowly open her eyes

I open my eyes slowly, adjusting them to the lighting of the room

The moement I opeaned my eyes
I closed them again

Because Holy Shit

Kim Fucking Taehyung
Who is sitting near me on the bed
I repeat, fucking Shirtless
With a towel wrapped around his waist
And some water drops on his chest
As if he has just stepped out of the shower a few minutes ago

And it definitely didn't help
That the first thing I saw when I had opened my eyes were his toned abs

I am damn sure that Taehyung noticed my flustered state
As a sound come out of him which sounded much like a chuckle
Most probably making fun of my situation

Then I open my eyes again 
And Oh God
It wasn't a dream
He actually is here
Sitting beside me
Looking like a statue sculptured by the finest artist to ever exist

My eyes traveling from his abs to his face
The top of his lips curled up
But the moement I look at him
His expression turns back to his usual cold one

"I-" I was shushed the moement I started to speak
By his finger on my lips

I swear my heart skipped a beat

"No need to speak anything
Go back to sleep
You don't need to come up with any excuses for staring at me" he said getting up and walking to his closet

"I was not staring" I say in my defense

"Sure you weren't" the sarcasm in his tone was clearly audible

"And may I ask
What were you doing sitting here ?" I question

"No" he blandly answers

"Ugh you are the worst" I cross my arms while laying back in bed and closing my eyes

"Trust me
This is my good side
You haven't seen the bad side yet
And you should hope that you never do" he says as I felt myself gulp
While he just put a shirt on

He walks to the other side of the bed and lays down after turning the light off

So this was end of this chapter
Hope you all like it
Please ignore any mistakes
I don't own any of the pics above credit to the owners
Next chapter comming soon.....
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