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The next morning when Jennie woke up she decided to not care about anything or anyone.
She was never like this before, she was never the one to shed tears over a boy, her younger self must be so disappointed in her.

She got out of bed to a fresh start,
She is going to avoid Taehyung as much as she can atleast until he realizes her importance.

She examined her ankle, the swelling was gone now and she could walk just fine.
She walked to the mirror and looked at her face which was puffed up because of crying,
But won't be like that anymore.

After taking a warm shower she stepped in her closet picking what to wear,
She wants to wear something comfy yet nice looking.
Her eyes settled on a white crop top paired with a black skirt, she puts her hair in a claw clip.
After that she does her basic skin care routine and decides to skip makeup, not like she needs it anyway.

When Jennie steps out, she sees Taehyung there
"Let me carry you down stairs,
You shouldn't put too much weight on your feet" he said and walked to her,
But Jennie quickly took a step back "No thanks, I am fine now and can go down on my own, without your help" Jennie spoke and walked past him and out the bedroom door.

Jennie has have enough of it, She knows her worth and she knows that her worth is way more than begging for love from a man who does not even care about her presence.
It's not that she doesn't love him anymore, because she still does, more than anything else.
Now Jennie has decided to hide her feeling for him, until his feelings for her become clear.

Taehyung stood there dumbfounded, as he watched Jennie walk right past him.
He was actually shocked by this behavior of her, because he thought that Jennie likes him and would not miss any chance she gets to stay close to him.
Taehyung dosent take rejection well, it was his first time anyone has turned a thing said by him down,
And it hurt him, even more after knowing that the rejection came from Jennie.
He cannot figure out the reason behind this sudden change in her.

"Good morning Jen" Taehyung's mothers greets her as she walks downstairs.
"Morning mom"

Taehyung's dad was watching TV then he switched to news channel as the headline on the channel made her shocked.

"Mr Lee Jun, founder and owner of the Lee corporation had been missing since yesterday.
After deep investigation officers found out a suicide note in his office desk which stated that, he is going to jump in a river because he feels guilty of what he has done, the suicide note mentioned that despite being married he has been going around with other girls and has even tried to rape someone.
The police has tried to look for his body but haven't found it yet as it is not easy because the name of river has not been mentioned.
The police has chosen to declare him dead as there is absolutely no trace of him" The news reporter said, reading the news while the picture of Lee Jun and his suicide note flashed on the screen.

Jennie took a step back as she immediately recognized the person on the screen.
Jungkook who noticed her unison went to her "You okay Jennie ?" He asked her.
"Jungkook the guy on the screen, the one who commented suicide" she started speaking in a low tone
"Mr Lee Jun, it's really surprising to know about his death,
But after seeing what his suicide note mentions, he actually deserved it" Jungkook said casually.

"Jungkook he was the guy at the party, the one who tried to force himself on me" Jennie spoke, the fear in her voice was clear.
"What !!!???" Jungkook exclaimed louder than he intended to, Mr Kim turned around from his couch, in order to look at him questioningly, Jungkook quickly shook his head and Mr Kim went back to watching the TV.
"What !?" A bit lower this time but the amount of shock on his face was the same, Jennie nods her head.

Jennie's eyes traveled to Taehyung who stood there watching the news with a smirk on his face.
Jennie felt strange, why does he seem so happy with the news of Lee Jun's death ?

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