Chapter 6: Doing What Needs To Be Done

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As the sun began its ascent over the horizon, a warm golden glow bathed the surrounding trees in an ethereal light. At the tranquil riverbank, Liv and Kanut sat side by side, their legs swinging over the water's edge.

It had been two days since Liv had told him about the prophecy, yet he still needed time to think. Fate and destiny had always felt abstract to Kanut, merely whispers in the wind. However, the Seer's prophecy had shaken him to his core. It was as if the very gods had spoken through the Seer, though their existence remained uncertain to him. Until now, they had been nothing more than tales and legends, stories told to instill purpose in people's lives. Kanut's prayers to the gods were only made in times of need or for guidance. Yet now, he found himself uncertain about what to believe. He needed time to think, not forever, but just long enough to determine his next steps.

Finally, after what felt like an interminable two days, Kanut summoned the courage to discuss the implications of the prophecy with Liv and their future.

The two sat in companionable silence, taking in the crisp, invigorating air sweeping over the river. Overhead, a formation of geese painted a V-shaped path across the sky, their lively honks breaking the tranquility. From the nearby trees, a symphony of bird songs filled the air as Kanut and Liv observed the wildlife around them. A gentle breeze tousled Liv's hair as Kanut studied her, his gaze tracing the elegant dance of her locks in the wind.

" believe her," Kanut asked, his gaze fixated on the water, seemingly lost within the labyrinth of his thoughts.

Liv nodded, meeting his eyes. "I do. I wouldn't burden you with this if I weren't persuaded."

Kanut refused to entertain the idea that their lives were predestined, that they had no say in their fate. Nonetheless, he couldn't shake off the underlying truth in the Seer's words. Admitting it was another matter entirely.

"Liv, Seers aren't necessarily truthful in their visions. She could be leading you astray. We shouldn't blindly follow a path we're uncertain of."

"You don't believe me then?" Liv's voice quivered with hurt and confusion. "You think I'm just wasting my time chasing something unreal?"

Kanut shook his head, swiftly regretting his words. "No, that's not what I meant. I just..." He paused, shouldering the weight of the prophecy. "I just don't understand. The gods have never favored us. Why would they entrust us with something like this?"

Taking a deep breath, Liv spoke earnestly, "I don't know, Kanut. I can't explain it... But this could be our chance. A chance for us to build a life for ourselves. For each other. I'm asking you to trust me. To believe in me." She reached for his hand, her eyes beseeching him. "Don't you trust me?"

Kanut felt the gravity of her decision in the steady grasp of her hand. Taking a deep breath to clear his mind, he finally spoke, his voice low and resonant. "You know I trust you, kitten. And we'll leave this place behind us. But Liv, this vision - who or what is this corruption we must destroy?"

Gently squeezing his hand, Liv admitted, "I'm not entirely sure. It surely can't be just anyone. Besides, I would rather not spend our days hunting down every soul in the camp." Liv's tone hinted at sarcasm.

"It wouldn't be much of a challenge anyway," Kanut replied humorously, earning an eye roll from Liv.

"Your humor doesn't help," she playfully pushed him.

"Aye, but it keeps you engaged, doesn't it?" Kanut winked, offering his hand to help Liv up as she rose.

"Like I said, we shouldn't waste time searching for answers. Let's leave first. Then we can decide if this prophecy is truly worth our pursuit," Liv suggested as they walked back to their camp.

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