Chapter 31

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Chatter could be heard from the manor. "I think she's a demon", a male voice said. "Like raven?!", another male voice said. "Boys! That's enough". "I think they're here", Lucy said. Damian nodded a quick 'yes' before following Lucy downstairs. "Oh there she is. Lucy this is Zatana and Constantine", Bruce introduced. They shared introductions quickly so they could get to work. "Hmmm, i think you're experiencing visions from your past. I have dealt with this before. Is it a sudden ringing sound that like directs you to a specific place", Constantine spoke once the room was silent. Lucy was flabbergasted at him. How did he know all of this? She has experienced exactly what he remarked? "Yes, i have.", she nodded. "Maybe explain what the sound led you to and what happened", Zatana asked. Lucy felt overwhelmed ever so suddenly. Talking about Aurora, her mother, was not easy for her. She'd been lied to for years. Her whole life was a lie, she always believed that Harley was her real mother that she loved so dearly. Selena, the closest thing she had to a mother when Harley was locked away, lied to her face. Vanessa was her cousin and her mum was Aurora's sister. Her real mother, Aurora, turns out to be several years old and has only lived so long because of her powers. Will Lucy be able to live as long or less or more? Why doesn't she have the powers? How do you get the powers from the walls of the cave? Who was that man? How does the disc play a part in this whole thing? So many questions reveal themselves before her. She has no way of knowing now that her mother is dead aswell as Veronica. Vanessa is missing now. All Lucy could do was explain what she knew to them. "I know what your problem is. Your memories have been erased with magic. Dark magic. A very powerful magic that existed back then", Constantine made a gesture, "I'm guessing, no i know that your power is a blue aura, but it has a high level of dark magic. I don't think you'll be able to control it if you get them back", he nods agreeing with himself. "What about the visions?", Damian questions. "She's trying to remember and the dark magic they used on her seems to be fading so the memories are returning back in clues. That's why she gets that ringing in her ear and it will occur more often",Constantine explained. "So manifest or Insidious the red door?", Jason joked trying to ease the tension. "Todd, i will break your jaw. This is a serious matter!", Damian snapped. Lucy placed her hand on his and smiled at Jason who gave her a flash of his tongue. "How cute. Kids these days and their property. Right Bruce", Constantine hit Bruce's arm. Bruce glared at him before turning to me. "We will be alert incase that man pays us a visit. We first have to investigate, Is there anyone that you know that is involved or may know something helpful", Bruce says to lucy. Her mind focuses on one person. Maybe two.
"Heyyy Lucy", Aiden greeted Her. "Hello to you too", Lucy said just as cheery. The two walked down the street while talking. "Yeah, so my dad is like really depressed and all because his girlfriend had passed on, unfortunately", Aiden told Lucy. "Oh gosh. What was she like?", Lucy asked now invested. "Her name was Aurora", Lucy froze at that spot, "I didn't like talk or get to know her. She was like a ginger but had brown hair, like in between. God i dont know. Just because im gay doesn't mean i know the difference between hair colours and stuff so yeah. She was into olden days fashion, i haven't payed much attention ", Aiden rambled on." Aiden, i have to go. I'm so sorry. I just, god, sorry ", Lucy bolted to the nearest alley way and let her tears fall. If only Aiden knew.
End of Flashback ~
" I know a friend. His dad had a relationship with Aurora. Perhaps he knows some stuff",Lucy said after her quick flashback. "Who?", Damian looked at her. "Aiden". It's like something clicked in Damian's head. "Yes, his dad must be apart of something", Damian said. "We'll go and interrogate", Dick piped up. "No, we will go and talk to him. Surely, Aiden has mentioned my existence once when he was still living with him", Lucy stood up. "I will accompany you, beloved", Damian stood up after her. "Obviously, i need my extremely handsome bodyguard at my back and front", Lucy smirked before she realized what she had said. I mean she has no problem with flirting with Damian, they do flirt more dirtier when alone. What got her shocked was that she let that slip out infront of Everyone. Damian's father and brothers, Constantine and Zatana! She sealed her lips and pushed back the blush that threatened to come across her face. "Don't worry kid, I've heard much worse from this one", Constantine pointed to Zatana. Zatana glared at him as she stepped closer. Constantine stepped back with a look of fear on his face. "Imagine she let that slip. What they must be saying in private?", Jason said. "Your comment was and is never wanted Jason so i suggest you shut your mouth or I'll crush your dreams of having a jawline like Superman", Lucy 4r of hand ", Bruce nearly screamed. He released a breath when he was done." Okay then. It's settled. I'm going to get dressed into something more suitable and i will meet you to get ready ", Lucy said before skidding off.
Lucy Pov
I should be crying and having metal break downs right about now because of everything. Selina lied to me for years and i just forgave her so easily. Why? Doesn't she deserve to feel guilty about her actions? Ughhh. I hate how nice i am. I want to cry about the situation i am in,but i can't. I don't know why? I want to, but i dont need to. Am i crazy for not grieving or crying? The only thing keeping me steady and helps me sleep at night is Damian. My Damian. I love him so much. I just don't think i can describe it with words. There isn't a word worthy enough. Damian is just too brilliant. God, i cant believe he's mine. Mine to touch, to feel, to kiss. I need a distraction from all this. I need something to ease my mind for a bit. I hear footsteps approaching me. I release a sigh knowing it's probably Damian. I stop in my tracks and turn to see Damian slowing his pacing until he's right infront of me. "God, i love you", i say. He smiles at me, a cheeky smile. "I know, Beloved and i love you too", he says back. What's supposed to be a glance at his lips turned into a stare. "Oh Fuck it", i huffed and closed the gap between us. (Not smut but kissing ig. Idk, u have been warned). We kissed with such passion and hunger, it made me forget we were in the middle of the hallway. I miss him. I need him. "I need you so bad now", i said breathlessly. "The things you do to me". I pushed him against the wall and connected out lips again. "Lift me", i demanded. He smirked against my lips, "Yes ma'am", he said which made me grin. He lifted me by my thighs. I wrapped my legs around his waist and tugged on his shirt. "Shhh, we can't here", Damian said. "Why not? Let's hook up in the hall", i replied teasingly. There was a thrill to getting caught, it somewhat excited me. He chuckled at me before carrying me into the bedroom to continue.

You ain't getting more. Maybe in the next chapter I'll add some but not smut. Sorry for not updating. School has been shit. Byee and luv yahh. ❤️❤️❤️

His Beloved (Damian Wayne) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें