Chapter 24

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Flashback ~
"You must date him. Find a way!",  Victoria snapped at her daughter . "I dont like him that way, i can't mom", Vanessa reasoned. "Do it or your best friend dies", Victoria said sternly. "No! Fine i will get his attention, okay?", Vanessa said looking down.
End of flashback ~
"Damian honey, what a pleasant surprise. What brings you here?" Victoria chimed. " Is Aurora Monroe your sister", Lucy asked. Victoria's face became white. "Uhm how do you know about that?", She asked quietly. "Don't play dumb and just tell us everything we need to know", Damian snapped.
"What I'm about to tell you is between us. Vanessa, you may want to hear this too", Victoria remarked. She sighed before speaking again, "These powers come naturally, but for you Lucy. My sister Aurora has locked them away in the caves of her grave so you don't have to suffer. These powers are painful, the more you use them the more painful it gets. The pain starts with your stomach not your head, that's the bad part. You focus on the pain. There is a plant however, it's not a full cure, but it can relieve the pain a little",Victoria explained. "What are these powers?", Lucy asked confused. "The powers are like a blue aura, blue flames that are capable of burning anything", Victoria answered. "Wow, that's really messed up, do you know anything about a man that was chasing my mother", Lucy spoke. "That was Carlo. He is Mason Lincoln's brother. He has been hunting Aurora down for her infant which is you. Once the powers are in you, you can't take them out. That's why he is after you, your powers are trapped in the cave, but he can't access it without you", Victoria explained yet again. "How do we know that you aren't feeding us lies", Damian said. "Well, i most certainly can't come up with all this in a matter of seconds", Victoria answered. "so why haven't you helped her?!", Lucy said. " I didn't want to get involved",Victoria replied simply. "What about Vanessa? Doesn't she have powers", Lucy questioned looking at Vanessa. "I give her the plant so her powers won't show, no powers, no pain", Victoria said. "So is this interrogation over?", Victoria sighed. "I guess", Lucy murmured.
"I can't believe that Vanessa is actually my cousin...", Lucy said with a frown. "How come these powers are so bad? Dami", Lucy continued. Damian was sitting on the his bed with Lucy who laid her head in his lap. He was so engrossed in his book that he was reading, he hadn't noticed Lucy's ramble. Lucy grabbed the book and shut it which caused a clap sound to fill the air." Beloved", Damian warned. Lucy stuck her tongue out at him while Damian glared down at her. "Is that book seriously more interesting than me~", Lucy whined. "Habibi, your more important, i was just enjoying the book. It was somewhat interesting", Damian said,"What were you saying, love". Lucy huffed, "Nevermind. Dami, what do you think about my powers?". Damian sighed, "If they hurt you then i think it's best to stay away from them. I don't think we should get to involved with this Carlo",Damian answered honestly. "Yeah your right, this is all just so confusing. What if this is all just a big lie. It's strange don't you think", Lucy said. "It is very peculiar, habibi. Why don't we go to the cinema in the manor and watch something entertaining".Lucy shook her head, "No! Did you forget that I'm avoiding your dad". "You have to talk to him. Let's enjoy ourselves a bit, hmmm", Damian pushed. Lucy didn't want to talk about Aurora or anything to do with that topic. She did kill herself after all. "Oki, but we need snacks!", Lucy cheered. Damian nodded in agreement.
Damian Pov
Lucy's birthday was in a day! I still haven't thought of the perfect gift yet. As one of her gifts i could buy her a lingerie-...nevermind. She'd look amazing in one though. I sighed frustratedly." Demon", Drake acknowledged my presence as he sat across from me on the counter, a mug of coffee in hand. "Drake", i said bored. "You look upset. Oh yeah i almost forgot that Lucy went out to go see Aiden. Your all alone here", Drake said annoying me further. "How do you know all of this", i questioned. "Lucy refers to me as her bestie soooo she tells me everything. I'm just waiting for when she rambles about the sex, ughhhhh", Drake continued. I rolled my eyes, "Why are you so annoying! That's none if your business", I snapped. He grabbed a milk carton and began preparing cereal. Not just any cereal, Grayson's cereal. "You never saw that, shhhh", Drake whispered as he slowly placed the cereal back. "What should i get Lucy for her birthday tomorrow", i blurted out. "I don't know, your her boyfriend. She reads alot, do you know what she reads?", Drake grinned at me. "Yeah, she reads dark romance. I know some of the books she reads", i said. Drake nodded, "Then why not get Lucy a book. Maybe there's a book that she wants", Drake suggested. I nodded at his idea. "Orrr maybe you can get her a set of lingerie", Todd burst out of nowhere saying that. I blushed a little at picturing Lucy in just that. "Already thought of that", i mumbled, but Drake seemed to have heard it. Suddenly an idea popped into my head. I hopped of the tall stool i was sat in and made my way out the kitchen.
Lucy Pov
I was on my way to meet Aiden. I haven't got to see him in a long time. He was bringing his boyfriend aswell which was exciting. "Hey Lucy", i heard a voice say. I picked my head up to see Aiden and Luke standing there. I smiled at them. They gave me a hug before sitting across from me. "Soooo how have you been lately", Aiden started. I sighed, "Terrible". He frowned. "What happened?", Luke asked me. "Do you really wanna know, it kinda involves you, like alot Aiden", I said. He nodded rapidly, "Yeah of course". "Wait! Before you start your story", Luke cut in, "Happy birthday Lucy! Aiden and i got you something". Aiden looked at me with a grin. "Ohhh yes we did, what do you think it is", Aiden wiggled his eyebrows. "Awww, you didn't have to. You guys are enough. Since you did get me something i might aswell guess. Hmmm food~", i said, but sung the last part in delight. "Food? We know you love food, but it's not that", Luke laughed. "uhhhh...clothes", i waved. "Okay fine i can't do this! This is out present", Aiden huffed. He took a box out from his pocket. Luke motioned for me to open it. It was a beautiful bracelet, it had gems and little diamonds. It was astonishing. "My uh father told me to give to it someone special. The bracelet is meant for women so we thought you would be perfect. And i has your favorite color, blue",Aiden explained. I jumped out and embraced them both. I nearly squeezed the life out of them, haha. "THANK YOU SO MUCH. I am inlove with this. I love it", i cheered. "Oh no,i hope you don't love it more than Damian", Aiden chuckled.

This is what the bracelet looks like"Sooo what were you gonna tell us again", Luke said

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This is what the bracelet looks like
"Sooo what were you gonna tell us again", Luke said. I sighed deeply. Here it comes.
Hi guys, i know i rushed this whole thing. Sorry about my late updates, school has been stressful. Hope u enjoyed this. Pls check out my oneshot book, it has damijon and damirae 🤭k, bye my lovely bats. ❤️❤️❤️

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