Chapter 13

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Aiden Pov
"How was school", My dad asked, sipping on his beer in a glass. "It was good", i replied,school wasn't just good. It was amazing. "Good to hear", Dad said. I nodded heading upstairs to my room.
Narrator's Pov
A knock at the door alerted Mr Lincoln. He set his beer down on the counter and took small steps towards the door. He unlocked the door to reveal a woman standing there. "Your here for the disc aren't you", Mr Lincoln stated. "I am, did you find it yet", The woman questioned. "No, but my drones caught a glimpse of a girl digging up your grave, any idea who she is?". The woman sighed, rubbing her temples. "I do know who she is. Something must have led her there", the woman said."you think the disc led her there, i did some digging. Apparently she was experiencing extreme sound waves, a ringing noise", Mr Lincoln explained showing the woman a piece of footage from one of his drones. "It's happening, i need to find that disc before she does", The woman panicked. "Aurora, why don't you want your daughter to find out about you, why do you hide?". The woman sighed sitting down on a chair by the counter besides Mr Lincoln. "It's too dangerous. I know Lucy, her curiosity will get the best of her". Mr Lincoln raised his eyebrows. "But you haven't met her", Mr Lincoln inquired closing his laptop. "I know enough about her". "Aurora, i think you need to come clean to Lucy soon or else she and others will get hurt. Selina and Harley are keeping your secret as well as Ivy, when Lucy finds out. Your going to create a drift between them. I have no doubt Lucy will develop trust issues, she will go through more trauma ", Mr Lincoln explained reaching for Aurora's hand. Aurora gladly accepted his hand." What about the prophecy ", Aurora questioned." You don't have to tell her about that yet, remember she's only 15",Mr Lincoln replied. "Yeah she's 15 and has a boyfriend", Aurora chuckled,"Thank you Mr Lincoln". "Please call me Mason, we've known each other for quite some time now",. Aurora smiled. Mason got off the stool and cupped Aurora's cheeks. "You didn't deserve what that bitch of a clown did to you, I'm sorry Aurora", Mason said apologetically. "Thank you for caring". Mason smiled and kissed Aurora ever so sweetly. It only took a few seconds for it to get heated. Mason suddenly pulled away. "I'm gonna go check if Aiden's asleep, I'll be back", Mason said with a smirk.
Mason Pov
I hurried to my son's bedroom and slightly creaked the door just so i could see in the room. There was a hump in his bed. I sighed knowing it wasn't him and just pillows. I opened the door fully and saw that my thoughts were right. "He's gone isn't he", Aurora said, leaning against the door frame. I nodded searching around. I found a paper hidden in his closet. It was a love letter. Aiden has a girlfriend? Why didn't he tell me? Narrator's Pov
Earlier that day~
Aiden walked up to his locker that wasn't too far away from his friend Lucy's. He gasped as he saw a letter addressed from his crush. The guy he was staring at in the coffee shop yesterday. He hurriedly opened the envelope and began reading
Dear Aiden
I've noticed how you stare at me sometimes, well truth be told i often stare at you. Admiring your hair, your eyes and your adorable freckles. I know this is really cheesy, but i am not the best at this kind of stuff. I was wondering if you'd like to go out on a date with me whenever your free. I know you have been crushing on me for some time now. I found that out from your friend Lucy, she told me to help me so don't go and hit her with a book. Anyways i like you too. So meet me after school and we can get to know each other better.
From Luke
Aiden squealed, like literally squealed. He ran to Lucy and hugged her. "Thank you Lucy" Aiden said handing her the letter. She read the letter and her eyes lit up. "Wow, congratulations",Lucy said acting surprised. "Did you not read the full letter. I know you told him about my feelings", Aiden said. "Well, i also told him where to take you", Lucy said with a wink. I blushed immediately.
Lucy Pov
"How long are you going to be on that computer", Damian said looking at my computer from above my shoulder. "I have a hunch okay", i exclaimed. Suddenly my computer was shut by none other than Damian. I glared at him and stood up from my desk. "Then explain your mysterious hunch", He said. "Yesterday a ringing noise in my ear led me to a graveyard and a specific gravestone. I know this is gonna sound crazy, but..i uh dug up her grave",i silenced Damian before he could say anything before continuing, "There was nothing in her grave, apparently she was beheaded by her own father because she killed her sister, but take a look at this", i said, showing Damian a picture of Victoria. "Don't they look like twins!", i exclaimed. "They do, but how do we know if they are not just doppelgängers". I sighed. "You think i am obsessed with this ancient history shit, don't you", i said. "Of course not beloved, i will help you figure this out". "How did i get someone like you", i said tossing my arms around Damian. He laughed kissing my temple. "Well, you will always rule my heart", Damian said, making me melt.
Time skip ~
I was on my way to go visit Selina. The limo came to a stop, signaling that we have arrived. I thanked Alfred and found that the door was unlocked. I cautiously opened the door with my foot. Everything was the same, all i heard was two voices. One was Selina's and the other i didn't recognize. I kept on walking until i reached the kitchen entrance. "Hey Selina", i said popping in. I then glanced at the woman. Wait. Hold on. The woman looked exactly like Aurora. "I will catch up with you later", the woman said and left. "Was that Vanessa's mum", i asked. Selina didn't answer me. I eyed her until she sighed. "No". "What is her name" i questioned. "Lucy, let's discuss this later. Right now, let's catch up on some gossip. So is Damian treating you good", she completely changed the subject. No. I am done. There is no later. "Tell me who she is please, it's important", i pleaded. "No, i dont want to talk about her. I'll be back alright", Selina said. "Where are you going?". "To get the take out i ordered for us", Selina replied before exiting the house. Couldn't she had just got it delivered to the apartment. I sighed deeply. She was just avoiding me, wasn't she. Selina isn't home, that means i can snoop. I immediately went to her bedroom and started looking through her stuff. This is wrong, but i can't just let her lie to me. I opened one of her draws and checked if it had a secret compartment and it did. I found a black box . It was small and kept in good condition. I opened it expecting something special, but all i found was a silver round disc. It was in the shape of a pentagon. It had a few unreadable symbols engraved into it. I slid it into my pocket and went through some more. Nothing else seemed suspicious. I found her laptop on her couch so i decided to go through it. I checked all of her emails and found one very suspicious. She was chatting to Aurora Monroe. I honestly don't think this Aurora is dead, she isn't. They were talking about me. Selina surely doesn't know another Lucy. They were talking about some prophecy. I took out my phone and took pictures of there conversations. Selina really underestimates me, for she left me here alone. I left her laptop where it was and rummaged through her cupboards. I didn't find nothing else. By the time, Selina had gotten home with the take out. I didn't question her about Aurora or anything because i knew i wouldn't get an answer from her.
Hey my lovely bats. More drama awaits so don't sit to tight. Lol, i know im terrible at this stuff, let's hope i get better. Bye now😀

His Beloved (Damian Wayne) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum