Chapter 2-A Quiet Night

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"Lucy, come down here for a sec", The red haired woman said. Footsteps could be heard before Lucy entered the room. "I'm going out, would you be fine by yourself". "Yeah, i will be fine", Lucy replied. "Alright, bye then". "Bye Ivy", Lucy said, waving her off. She shut the front door once Ivy was out of view.
Lucy Pov
I locked the door before tucking the apartment key into the pocket in my hoodie. I made my way to my room and continued with what i was doing. Sleeping. I had a rough week at school and today is finally Friday. Nothing would stop me from getting my beauty sleep, i will make sure. I slipped into the warm covers of my bed and closed my eyes. Just when i let sleep take over me, i heard a loud bang at my window. I decided to ignore it and continue my nap. An even louder bang clouded my hearing. Now rage could only describe how i felt. I got up out of my warm bed and stomped my way to the window. I unlocked it and slid it open. The cold draft hit me right in the face. "Hello Lucy", a familiar voice spoke. "Robin", i muttered, clearly not in the mood to go outside. "Join me, get dressed. I will meet you at our usual spot", he said before grappling away. Who does he think he is! It is freezing out. Well if i dont go, I'd probably feel guilty. I forced myself to my wardrobe and grabbed my suit from the hidden compartment. I put it on and began my journey. I reached my destination and plopped myself on the edge next to Robin, dangling my feet. Robin glanced at me then disconnected his com link device and zipped it in his pocket. "You seem upset, not your cheery self. Did something happen?", Robin questioned. "Excuse me, you want to know what happened. I was cuddled up in my warm bed, but got interrupted to join you out here in the cold on your patrol". Robin just chuckled lightly. "The city is quiet tonight, not much robberies, muggings or anything for that matter",Robin replied changing the subject. I hate when he does that. "So your bored and want my company", i said acting shocked. He just rolled his eyes and tt'ed. "You could say that", he said, keeping a watchful eye over the city. I rested my head on his shoulder. He tensed a little before relaxing. I shuddered when a cold breeze hit me. Robin noticed and wrapped his arm around me in a soothing manner. We sat there for a couple more minutes, but eventually went to explore Gotham for crime. As much effort i put into waking up and racing in the cold, it was worth it. I enjoyed Robin's company although he was cold, but caring towards me. Soon, we came across screaming. We weren't far from it. We immediately bolted to the source of the sounds. We stopped at a dark alleyway where a little girl stood crying against the brick wall. 3 men were surrounding the girl and another woman who seemed to be in her late 20's. Something brought me back to that day. The girl had dark brown hair like me. That day i escaped my father, Joker. A voice broke me out of my daze. My vision cleared up and saw that the 3 men were on the floor, lying there. "Are you okay?", Robin asked shaking me a little. "I'm fine", i replied simply,but shaky. He nodded keeping his gaze on me. "You thought of that day". I nodded releasing a sigh. "If you hadn't found me, he would have captured me again, what do you think he would have done to me", i said. "You don't have to think about that, your safe now. He is locked up in Arkham", Robin said reassuringly. I felt better knowing he was locked up. Robin and I went back to patrolling the city after i had calmed down. He offered to take me back to Ivy's apartment, but i declined. I didn't want to be a buzz kill after all. Patrol ended meaning Robin had to return back to the Batcave. Well, i didn't know where he would go after this, i never even had a clue to who was under that mask. Who i hugged and spent my time with. Robin said his goodbyes and caught me in a warm hug. "Sorry for disturbing your sleep", he said. I just hugged him back before he sped off on his motorcycle. I watched as his figure faded into the night of Gotham. My previous thoughts returned once again. Did he not trust me enough to tell me his secret identity? Did he trust me at all. Am i just someone he can come to when he gets bored. I shook off that last thought and bolted back to the apartment to get comfy back under the covers.

His Beloved (Damian Wayne) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora