Chapter 7

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Lucy Pov
I haven't fought Damian before. I got into my own fighting stance aswell. I waited for Damian to make the first move and he did. He swung his fist at me, but i easily dodged it. We spent the little time throwing and blocking punches, kicks and attacks. I felt he was going easy on me. Was it because i was his secret friend? It seems that he's trying to keep it a secret. When Damian attacked me, i yanked his arm to the ground bringing him down. I pinned his arms down with my hands and sat on his waist. Using my knees i pinned his thighs down.
Damian Pov
I went to attack my opponent when she surprised me by dragging me to the floor instead of dodging it like expected. Before i could react, i was pinned to the ground. I didn't even bother to try and get out of her hold. It actually felt soothing even though we were sparing. My sight met her extraordinary pools as she glared down at me. Then i looked behind her to find Grayson watching us. Lucy got of me and offered a hand. I took her hand and stood in disbelief. What just happened? Did i just lose? I mentally scolded myself for being distracted by the eyes of my secret friend. "Wow, you actually beat the demon spawn", Drake said, coffee in hand. "Don't call me that", I said through gritted teeth before exiting the batcave.
Lucy Pov
What is his problem? Is he mad i beat him? I sighed and began following him up to the manor. I finally caught up with him. "Damian, are you okay?, i asked now walking beside him. He didn't respond, not even acknowledging my presence." I'm fine", he replied making his way to his room. He was about to shut the door, but i stopped it with my foot and invited myself in. "what's wrong". "Nothing is wrong Lucy",he said to which i scoffed in disbelief. "Then why are you so angry". He stared out his window and replied. "It's just, my adopted brothers are annoying imbeciles". I laughed quietly at that. "There's something else your not telling me though", i said lifting a notebook from his desk. Suddenly a hand gripped my wrist. I paused my actions. "Don't touch that notebook", a voice i knew was Damian's said from behind me. I could feel his breath on my neck as he released my wrist. I turned around and was met with the glowing emerald eyes that i adored for so long. Our faces were inches apart. I decided to back up against the desk. "Why do you act like a stranger to me around your family?", i questioned looking down. "Are you embarrassed of me?". I looked up see Damian's facial expression and it was unexpected. His face went from enraged to soft. "I am not embarrassed of you, Lucy. Why would you think that", Damian said. "Then why do you act differently around me when people are around. Why did you disappear when Stephanie, Barbara and Cass came earlier". "Look Lucy, i just don't want to share this with my family or anybody. I care about you. I don't want people to use you to get to me or Father",Damian explained. I watched Damian about to say something else, but quickly closed his mouth. I nodded glancing at the notebook on the desk. "Is that your sketchbook", i asked. "It is". I smiled. "What is so secretive in here that you won't allow me to look". I twirled my loose strands of hair with fingers and gave him the eyes he couldn't resist from when we were younger. The puppy eyes. Damian sighed before speaking, "don't give me that look", he said looking away from me. I cupped his cheek making him look back at me. "please let me take a peak", I asked. "Fine", he mumbled. I began flipping through the pages amazed at how good of an artist Damian is. "Wow, Damian these are so good",i said to Damian. I stopped at one picture, looking at it carefully. It was a portrait It was a picture of me leaning against my window. I had my hand twirling my hair. I was at loss for words. "Damian...this is so beautiful", i managed out.
Damian Pov
I watched from my bed as Lucy flipped through pages of my sketchbook. She took a atleast a minute to properly intake one artwork. She came across a drawing of her, she had stared at that specific one the longest. She complimented each piece of art in a unique way each time. I fell inlove watching her admire my art. She was so calm and showed how much she appreciated me trusting her. No matter how hard i try to erase my feelings for this girl, it seems to be impossible. Everytime i see her my stomach feels weird. Should i speak to someone about this. I always thought that it was impossible for me to actually like someone. How do i know that i have feelings for her? Lucy and i have kissed a few times. What does that mean? Those few kisses meant alot to me. Was it just not a good enough kiss to bother about. I love being around her, i feel....comfortable with her. I am not the person who opens up to people easily. Do her. "So were you spying on me for this one", Lucy spoke with a grin appearing on her smooth soft lips that i want to...alright that's enough! "I wasn't spying on you", i answered. That was a lie. I indeed was spying on her that one day.
~ ~ ~
Relaxing on a tree trunk sat robin, sketchbook and pencil in hand. Directly opposite his choice of seating was a window to a certain female's bedroom. There in the bedroom sat Lucy on her desk, writing one of her fantasied books. It turns out writing and Journaling interested her alot. Meanwhile, the not so innocent robin was sitting and watching her. He was sketching her, every facial expression, every movement. Lucy then closed her book she was writing in and unraveled her hair that was tied up in a loose bun. She discarded the long sleeve top she was wearing and threw it into a basket next to her closet. She was only wearing a denim shorts that stopped by her thighs. Other than that, she wore a black bra too. Just as she bent over the desk to retrieve her pencil that rolled behind it a figure appeared in front of robin, blocking the whole scene before him. "What are you doing?", Nightwing questioned followed by the Dark knight. "None of your business", Robin replied getting to his feet. "You didn't return for dinner so we got worried, do you know what the time is~",Nightwing began, but was cut of by robin. "Im well aware of  the time". When robin glanced back at the window, the curtains were drawn.
~ ~ ~
"Then how did you get this image, this wasn't long ago", Lucy replied sitting on my desk behind her. "You know you can't lie to me, Dami". I sighed, not wanting to fess up. "Well, i saw you anyway. Why do you think i decided to put on a little show. I wasn't surprised how you just kept on staring through my window",Lucy finished talking leaving me absolutely stunned. "You knew I was there".Lucy then jumped of my desk and proceeded to my bed. She sat herself down and leaned against my headboard. "Well unless you think i am stupid yeah, i wouldn't have known you were there", she replied,"but the question is why didn't you look away like a respectful person instead you kept on staring at me". I sighed deeply. I couldn't just tell her i liked her. What if she is playing with me. "Well I'm gonna go, come find me when you have an answer, your drawings are incredible", She said getting up. She waved before exiting my room and softly closing the door after.
I never edit this book, so beware of spelling errors, etc lol. Well i kinda changed a bit of story from what was written in the description. Well, i suck at descriptions so nothing new to me. I am not entirely used to this whole writing thing since i just started. 👋Bye again

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