The Sleepover with Stan

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              STAN POV

As I nervously waited for ky I heard the doorbell and I went down and I opened the door and I see ky and oh wow he looked beautiful and ky snapped me back and I apologies and I led him to my room he sat down on my bed I sat beside him we talked for awhile and I ask-hey dude wanna watch a movie?- as I stood up he looked excited he looked kinda cute with his curls and his emerald green eyes but I got caught looking I turn my face away and I heard him said ok so I went down to get some snacks and when I went up I saw ky was picking out a movie and when I sat beside him on the floor I gave him a crisps and we watched together.  After half an hour I noticed ky sleeping on my shoulder I looked at him he sleeping soundly I look at his freckles he looks like a god he so cute with his reddish fire like hair and look at his ass ,I continued to look at him and suddenly I look at the movie and it ended and ky woke up at the same time he looks at me and he remembers that he slept on my shoulder he blushed I don't know it's on embarrassment or something else but I put my mind at ease and he checks the time and said -hey Stan I think it's getting late we should get change-as he took out his pj and he went in the bathroom and I went in my closet and took out my clothes and got changed out in my bedroom when I was done I sat on my blue bed and ky came out in his pyjamas and we talked and mess around and my sister came to my bedroom looks at me and ky and smirked then close the door like what the hell! I blushed at the thought that what she was thinking but I shook my head and I see Kyle look at me with a questioning look but i shook it out and continued to mess and we just looked at our phones and the time we need to sleep he just said -we can sleep on the same bed we sleep together before and we're guys so that's ok- how can he say it so simply ! He climbed into bed and I slept with him beside me and he was the one who slept first and I think he was dreaming because he hugged me I felt I bit tense and my face heating up I calm myself down and just went to sleep.

—————————————hey guys just trying a new pov and yea 

Word count(466 )


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