The project 🌙part2

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              KYLE POV                       —————————————

As I was walking in Craig leads me into his room,his room didn't change much since I last went in only a few things that were new like a new computer, PS5 and a new poster on the navy blue wall it had little stickers that looked like stars and I little small moon.-sooooo let's get working on what planet are we gonna do about?- I said while sitting on his bed,we were thinking until he ask - how about Jupiter?- He said while shrugging-umm okay- I said doing a thumbs up with both of my hand and we got to work.We researched a lot of facts and printed some pictures about Jupiter and he brought out a big white A4 paper and we start to glue,I was writing he was glueing the paper and pictures we worked until .it was dark outside when we were done with our project -hey can I show you something?-ask Craig standing up -sure- I answered then he took out a Huge Telescope from the closet -whoa that shit is big when did u bye that?!- I ask amazed by it ,he brings it out and put it near his window-let's go and take a look-said Craig smiling .I've never seen him smile so much before.....As we were seeing the planets he starts talking about facts of the planets, for the first time I have never seen him up close beside him his face shone on the moon light ,ebony hair, lightish browny yellow gold like eyes . I think he caught me staring because he turn to face me I think I have gone red embarrassed 😳 he seem I little shock a bit of red on his skin but it quickly goes away we talk about what's going on in our own life like we know eachother for a long time.

 I think he caught me staring because he turn to face me I think I have gone red embarrassed 😳 he seem I little shock a bit of red on his skin but it quickly goes away we talk about what's going on in our own life like we know eachother for a lon...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I said bye to Craig and I went home with the project in my hands..               —————————————Hey hope u guys like the story 

Word count(356)                   —————————————

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