Mecha Slave Contract Chapter 139: Ready

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The people sent by the military department returned empty-handed because they lost the best opportunity, only to get some prior propaganda materials about the mecha parts. As for the source and whereabouts of those parts, Tiandong will not let go. Firstly, this involves professional ethics. Secondly, Tiandong itself has a very background. Not to mention, there are many high-level customers of Tiandong. People. So for a while, they really had nothing to do with Tiandong.

This result directly led to the outrage of several heads of the R&D department, so the atmosphere in the Mecha R&D Department of the military has become extremely tense in recent days.

When Luo Xiaolou saw Kailu again, the poor soldier was full of sorrow. After hurriedly greeted him, he left without hesitation to say a word. Looking at Kailu who was the only one who could be uttered by himself, Luo Xiaolou shrugged, okay, anyway, he is still busy today.

That afternoon, Luo Xiaolou once again easily left with a few Level 4 parts. In fact, he left early today, but he now has this freedom. He only hoped that next time he went to pick up materials, the face of the person in charge of the materials group would not be so long. How could the federal military be so small, when he asked for materials, the uncle's face was exactly the same as 125. In this regard, 125 also expressed disdain.

In the corridor, Luo Xiaolou met several researchers from the military. Like all scientific researchers working in national institutions, they usually look aloof, but today they seem a little downcast. But it doesn’t matter to him, and he also didn’t receive a task today—God bless him not to give him a task lately, he has been too busy recently—Luo Xiaolou prayed and walked calmly beside a few people. Past.

Although it was agreed to isolate the future prince and concubine who had come in by the relationship, at least he could not catch up with him, but at this moment, the military researchers glared at the shamelessly shameless back and secretly gritted their teeth.

It's not that they pretend to be lofty. It's different from those groups full of market flavour and interest disputes. Working here is not only a status symbol, but also the supreme honor of serving the country. And no one here is higher than Luo Xiaolou, they are very unconvinced. When they entered the military headquarters, they all relied on their own efforts and worked hard to climb step by step.

At this time, seeing others parachuting here by virtue of their identity and power, of course, will not feel better in my heart.

Since he is the future prince and concubine, why doesn't he stay in that gorgeous palace with beautiful clothes and beautiful maids?

Although they don’t know why, their attitude got the above acquiescence, maybe this is related to Luo Xiaolou’s not officially becoming a prince and concubine, but when he was squeezed by his boss in a bad mood, seeing others so relaxed, It's really uncomfortable.

Why don't those old men take a look, it's not just them that waste wood in the military.

Luo Xiaolou hurriedly left the military headquarters, and the A5 was trying his best to drive the hover car and wait outside.

"Go to San Milo Academy." Luo Xiaolou said.

"Your last part is about to succeed, why not finish it? Also, you obviously promised to make me a few energy boxes today, but you didn't move a finger. As a foster caretaker, how much do you care about me? "125 while choosing a comfortable position, lying on his back on the leather seat, complained.

"I have tried three times and it is still unsuccessful. I don't know if we can continue. But what I can guarantee is that if we can't get to San Miro College after 20 minutes, Yuan Xi will be angry." Luo Xiaolou said calmly, "As for your energy box, my dear, trust me, I am willing to do anything for you. If you are responsible for fixing the past, we can turn it back right away."

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