Mecha Slave Contract Chapter 42: Fried hair

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The original was completely petrified there. He stared at Luo Xiaolou fiercely. When Luo Xiaolou found out that something was wrong and started to move back, he grabbed Luo Xiaolou's collar and roared, "What the **** did you just say?!"

Luo Xiaolou was strangled by the collar and was almost out of breath. He had planned a twisty and moving route! But he actually told the truth! This can't be blamed on him, it is really too much excitement for him!

"You're making the idea of the contract, you actually want to terminate the contract!" Yuan Xi said gloomily, and the anger in his eyes was frightening. "You—you spend so much effort to seduce me to terminate the contract?"

Luo Xiaolou shook his head hard, and stammered: "No, no, I did all that I really wanted to do. For your birthday, I prepared a gift for you. I prepared it for a long time. I have no confession. Meaning, that’s just a misunderstanding. I mean, I mean, you think we’re so much better, why can’t you accommodate it? After all, everyone loves freedom—hey, hello! If you don’t agree, it’s fine. discuss…"

God, did he say something wrong again? He would have killed him in the past!

Undoubtedly, these words once again detonated Yuansi, who was already mad, and he pushed Luo Xiaolou down on the wall with his force. The expression on his face was so terrible that his soul trembled. He shouted fiercely, "You are delusional! I will not agree! No matter what you do, I will not terminate the contract, and there is no way to terminate it! If you really want freedom—"

Yuan Xi moved the hand holding Luo Xiaolou's collar to his throat, the most vulnerable part of human beings, as long as he exerts a gentle force, the person under his hand who made him extremely angry will disappear.

Yuanxi slowly began to exert force, Luo Xiaolou's face flushed, and his eyes rolled gradually, and it was over immediately! the end? The figure of Luo Xiaolou busy in the kitchen flashed in Yuanxi’s mind, as he was shrunk in his arms on the bed, his face flushed, but he was still helping him... Yuanxi’s movements suddenly stopped, and his eyes rolled. The red of anger gradually faded, adding a touch of confusion and helplessness. Is he going to kill him?

This stupid and weak person is not worthy of him being angry for him, and even a little bit of affection-if his family knew that he had such a disobedient slave who was delusional to leave, he would surely laugh him to death.

Of course, he is not worthy of dirtying his hands, even if he is alive, it will not affect him at all! Apart from cooking, washing, taking care of the room, talking and sleeping with him, occasionally caring about him, helping him buy cakes for his birthday, etc., there is nothing commendable...

But he just cared damnly, caring that he was once so hot-headed that he wanted to take this despicable villain back home to see—

When he thought that Luo Xiaolou was only seduce him purposefully, Yuan Xi realized that his rage could not be calmed down at all, he couldn't control it himself, he gritted his teeth, clenched his still trembling fist, and then shook it out forcefully.

Luo Xiaolou, who had to face his anger, was instantly blank, and then he heard a loud noise in his ears.

Luo Xiaolou trembled uncontrollably, and at the same time was thankful that he was still alive. For a moment, he knew that Yuan Xi was really planning to kill him.

Then Yuan Xi stared at Luo Xiaolou expressionlessly. When Luo Xiaolou felt that it was almost a century old, Yuan Xi said coldly, "If there is another time, I will personally help you terminate the contract. Go to **** to find your freedom." Then Yuanxi slammed Luo Xiaolou away, turned around and walked out without looking back.

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