Mecha Skave Contract Chapter 110: failure

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When Luo Xiaolou opened his eyes the next day, Yuan Xi had already left. Luo Xiaolou got up with a grunt, a sharp pain in his shoulder, and immediately hummed twice. 125 hurriedly trot over to support him, and said uncomfortably: "Yuanxi has been walking for more than an hour. I checked. Your injury has not healed. We should go to the hospital immediately."

Luo Xiaolou carefully touched his shoulders and couldn't feel it, but it hurts when he touched it. He stared at the door for two seconds, shook his head, and said, "I won't go today."

125 cocked his tail and hooked Luo Xiaolou's arm, and asked anxiously: "Aren't you injured? I see the medical guidance given by the doctors of the Mecha Conference also allows you to go to the hospital immediately. You can't do this, but I am Be entrusted by your mother to take care of you."

Luo Xiaolou touched 125's big head and laughed, "I think you demand more of me than you do to yourself."

The eyes of those people yesterday showed that there was a problem. Today, most people will be staring at him, even if you go to the hospital, you can't go there in such a fair manner.

Luo Xiaolou said, "I will find a way to go to the hospital tomorrow. How are you? Are you injured?"

125 unkindly stepped on his right foot with his left foot and stammered: "I was originally such an excellent mecha, it would not be hurt, but I just saw the original nervousness, the energy defense distribution is a bit out of balance, so The damage only occurred at that time, because the scope was not large and I had repaired it myself."

tension? ! To be honest, as a light brain, your mental endurance is really weak.

Luo Xiaolou no longer worried about 125 and didn't plan to go out. He simply called for room service and lay on the sofa to watch today's game. Today is the top 46 of the 93, and the top 100 are all masters from various planets. The competition is more exciting and intense than ever.

Luo Xiaolou turned to the original game as usual, and looked at the black mecha, his eyes widened in surprise. In this important game, change mecha?

Moreover, I don’t know if it’s an illusion. The originally powerful Yuan used to play with an obvious murderous aura. Almost every match will not be delayed for too long, and the opponent suffered heavy damage.

In the end, Luo Xiaolou really felt that watching the original game was a test for his heart, so he simply turned to the channel to follow other people, and was ready to watch the video when he was not so guilty.

Yuan Nuona's child was still there, as were Artes and Mu Chen. Yuannuo's combat style is slightly similar to Yuanxi's, and he may have learned more from his cousin. And Artes also made Luo Xiaolou look at him more and more, looking at the carefree people, he was serious and careful in the battle, although it took a long time, but as long as he grasped the opponent's weakness, he would find the opportunity to kill him.

Mu Chen didn't look very good, and compared with other masters, it was difficult to find obvious advantages. Even if you look at his past results, most of them are promoted after winning two games, rarely winning three games in a row. But in today's game, Mu Chen tragically met Luo Shaotian and the baby-faced boy. Seeing the baby-face that made people gritted his teeth, Luo Xiaolou's spirit was lifted up.

Mu Chen simply lost to Luo Shaotian, the last game against the baby-faced boy. If he loses this time, he will withdraw from the game.

In Luo Xiaolou's eyes, Mu Chen had no chance of winning at all. He had also watched the baby-faced late game. Although the boy had very bad methods most of the time, he seemed to be stumping his opponent all the time, but he was definitely a master.

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