13- Deflecting

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"Yoongi! I really don't want to go!"

It turns out Yoongi's threat was a real one. He had said that he wanted you to go to therapy and for a week he didn't insist, but today he was. Hoseok was going to one of Jimin's dance therapy classes, but Yoongi made it clear that he wanted you to go to one of these groups, the talking type of therapy groups.

"Let's make a deal Y/N, you go to this group therapy session and tonight you'll get a reward." Yoongi was watching you with a sly smile. His hair was getting longer and you fought the urge to let your finger trace the curve of his curls. What kind of reward could he have in mind? You were intrigued by his proposition despite your better judgment.

"What kind of reward?"

"The only way to find out is to go to group therapy, but I promise the reward will be worth it."

Yoongi took your hand and walked with you down the hallway. At the other end, various hybrids were entering the room you were also supposed to be entering. You stopped abruptly, a ball of anxiety tightening in your chest. Yoongi felt your tug of resistance and turned to you when you stopped.

"What is it, kitten?" There was something about Yoongi that made you want to be more honest about yourself and your feelings than you ever have been before. You always lied, always manipulated, always put up a front, but there was something about Yoongi that made you want to forfeit that part of yourself.

"I'm nervous," You clenched your fists. Yoongi turned you to face him.

"I know something that will help, are you ready?" You barely had time to nod before his hands were cupping your face and tilting your head down. Liquid energy flooded your veins as his lips pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead.

"Ready now?" You nodded stiffly, your heart was fluttering too rapidly to do anything else, "Good kitty!"

He walked you in and introduced you to the counselor. She was probably in her early 40s and the subtle kind of beautiful that had you captivated. She had creamy coffee skin that was slightly wrinkled around her soft, inviting eyes. Her hair was modestly cut and brushed just below her shoulders.

"I'm Boram," Her smile was as soft and inviting as her demeanor, "It's very nice to meet you Y/N." She bowed her head slightly and you hurriedly bowed in response.

"I'll see you in an hour, Y/N." Yoongi squeezed your hand and left. You wanted to run after him, but you tentatively took a seat instead.

This last week had been the best week of your life. Ever since you officially became their foster, Yoongi and Jungkook seemed to have changed. They took you and Hoseok shopping. You didn't care about clothes as much, but you were so proud to throw away those generic shoes and slip into your black high tops everyday.

You had also eaten at two different restaurants, and they promised there were more to come. When they took you to the convenience store, you walked in with confidence. Hoseok was spending more time with Jimin and Namjoon, and that would have upset you more if Yoongi and Jungkook weren't so consistent in their attention.

Also, Hoseok seemed happier when he came back from spending the evening with them, so how could you deny him that? Going to therapy once a week seemed a small price to pay for such a big return. It was the best deal you had ever made.

Boram didn't pressure you to participate, so you settled into an observant silence. You watched the group carefully, absorbing how the class operated differently than Yoongi's. And that's how you spent the whole hour. When the class was over, you hurried out of the room to find Yoongi. The others lingered and talked, but you had no interest in that.

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