Chapter 19

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Ashley hair and outfit

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Ashley hair and outfit

Secret Santas:

- April's Secret Santa: Logan
- Cyrus's Secret Santa: Ashley
- Logan's Secret Santa: Cyrus
- Ashley's Secret Santa: April

Amid the laughter and the holiday spirit, April unwrapped her gift from Logan, revealing a stylish scarf. "Logan, you have an excellent taste in fashion! I love it!" she exclaimed.

Logan chuckled, "Well, I did my research. I wanted to make sure it fits your fashionista vibes."

Cyrus, opening the gift from Ashley, found a sleek science-themed mug. "Perfect for my daily doses of caffeine during study sessions. Thanks, Ashley!"

Ashley grinned, "I figured it might help fuel those scientific discoveries."

As the gift exchange continued, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement and joy. Logan received a set of new guitar picks from Cyrus, who grinned mischievously. "Now you won't have an excuse for any off-key notes!"

Logan laughed, "Challenge accepted, Cyrus!"

When it was Ashley's turn, April handed her a beautifully bound notebook. "For all your creative writing endeavors. I hope it inspires some amazing stories."

Ashley's eyes lit up, "Thank you, April! This is perfect."

Our voices intertwined, and the cafe echoed with the warmth of friendship. Each gift told a story, a testament to the bonds we had formed throughout the year. As the snow outside continued to fall, our hearts felt as light as the flakes, carrying the joy of the season and the memories we created together.

With the gift exchange complete, we decided to commemorate the moment with a group photo, capturing the smiles and the camaraderie that defined our friendship. April, ever the enthusiast, took charge of the camera, making sure everyone was positioned just right.

"Say cheese, everyone!" April called out, and we erupted in laughter, striking poses that ranged from silly to heartfelt. Cyrus attempted a dramatic science-inspired pose, holding his new mug aloft like a scientific trophy, while Logan opted for a classic rockstar stance, a playful grin on his face.

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