Chapter 6

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Ashley hair and

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Ashley hair and

It has been a month and a half , this whole month and a half I've been in New York living my best life having the education I deserve have good friends and maybe something else of course we have bitches in our stories it's okay I'm keeping my cool Isaiah still texting he's so desperate considering he post a new girl every-time and dm me about and I can't block him because he has his ways with his annoying ass. Yet overall still positive no matter what I continued writing in my notebook, the pen gliding over the paper as Logan's presence lingered in my thoughts. Our conversations had become a regular occurrence, and I found comfort in the easy camaraderie we shared. The music in my headphones provided the soundtrack to my musings, creating a cocoon of tranquility amidst the academic hustle.

The steady rhythm of footsteps interrupted my solitude, and I glanced up to find Logan standing there, an air of nervousness about him. Chuckling, I removed my headphones, curious about this unexpected interruption to his academic routine.

"Early exam finish or a strategic escape?" I quipped, acknowledging his penchant for swift academic maneuvers.

He rubbed the back of his head, a habit that betrayed his unease. "Needed a break, you know?"

Raising an eyebrow, I sensed there was more to his impromptu break than he let on. "Spill it, Logan. What's on your mind?"

He hesitated, his eyes darting around as if seeking the right words. "I've been thinking about picking up the guitar again."

A genuine smile crossed my face. "That's fantastic! Why the nerves, though?"

His vulnerability surfaced as he struggled to articulate his feelings. "I used to play years ago, but something happened, and I stopped. Now, the idea of starting again... it's a bit intimidating."

Leaning back in my chair, I considered his words. "Logan, if it's a genuine passion reigniting within you, don't rush it. Passion blossoms naturally, not under pressure. Take your time, and when you're ready, it'll feel right."

Our eyes met, and I could sense a mixture of gratitude and determination in his gaze. "Thanks, Ashley. You're always a good help."

As he walked away, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction in being a source of encouragement for him. Little did I know, April had been an amused spectator to our interaction, her mischievous grin evident.

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