Chapter 11

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Ashley hair and outfit

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Ashley hair and outfit

In the quiet solitude of my room, I lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, mulling over the cafe encounter with Logan. His words echoed in my mind, and the idea of 'what if' lingered in the air like a sweet melody. The thought of us being together, navigating the uncharted waters of a romantic relationship, felt both exciting and daunting.

Feeling the need for guidance, I reached for my phone and FaceTimed my mom. Her comforting face appeared on the screen, and I took a deep breath before delving into the swirling thoughts about Logan.

"Hey, Mom," I greeted, attempting to keep a casual tone.

Her eyes, filled with maternal warmth, noticed something beneath the surface. "What's on your mind, sweetheart?"

I hesitated for a moment, then spilled the tea about Logan - the laughter, the banter, and the subtle undercurrents that hinted at something more. As I unfolded the tale, my mom listened attentively, interjecting with insightful questions that probed the depths of my feelings.

"What's this boy's name?" she inquired, a knowing glint in her eyes.

"Logan," I replied, and as I spoke his name, I couldn't help but smile.

My mom's questions gently guided the conversation, leading me to introspect about the nature of our connection. She, having experienced the unpredictable twists of love herself, shared snippets of her own story, how life's journey could take unexpected turns, much like my path to this private boarding school in the bustling city.

"He sounds like a special person," she remarked, her words carrying a mix of understanding and maternal wisdom. "Falling in love is unexpected, Ashley. It's a journey that unfolds in its own time."

I sighed, "But what if it changes everything, Mom? What if it complicates our friendship?"

Her response was reassuring, "Love has a way of navigating its course, sweetheart. If it's meant to be, it will find its way. As for complicating things, life is inherently complicated. What matters is finding someone who makes it all worth it."

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