Chapter 10

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Ashley hair and outfit

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Ashley hair and outfit

In the whirlwind of planning the California trip, the excitement reached a fever pitch. The prospect of being the tour guide for my friends in my hometown thrilled me, even though NYC had become my new stomping ground. But, reality check - Isaiah's lingering presence, like a stubborn stain on an otherwise clean slate.

April and I, armed with Advanced Lit books and a determination to conquer the literary universe, transformed our dorm into a study den. Amid discussions on classic literature, I couldn't resist spilling the beans about the walks and talks with Logan.

"April," I leaned in conspiratorially, "these Logan conversations, they're like a refreshing smoothie for the soul. We dissect everything - family, music, life. It's a whole different vibe."

April, her eyes dancing with curiosity, shot me a look, "Different, like, romantically different?"

Twirling a strand of hair, I gave in to the confession, "Maybe. I'm catching feelings, April. But, you know, it's complicated. There's some Isaiah-shaped baggage, and I'm not ready to drag that into the scene."

April leaned back, a mischievous grin playing on her lips, "Complicated, huh? Come on, Ash, spill the drama. What's the tea?"

Sighing dramatically, I began my tale, "Enter Isaiah, the eternal cameo. Always there, always complicating things. Then, there's Logan - different, in a good way. But, for now, I'm treading carefully, one step at a time."

April nodded sagely, "You're the protagonist of your story, Ash. Don't let the ex-boyfriend subplot overshadow the main plot. If Logan brings good vibes, why not roll with it?"

As we navigated the literary wonders and heartfelt discussions, April, my trusted confidante, provided both wisdom and laughter. The impending California trip promised adventures and, just maybe, a dash of romance with Logan. In that moment, surrounded by books and April's infectious laughter, I embraced the anticipation of what lay ahead.

In our usual hangout spot, the café buzzed with excitement as we discussed the upcoming California trip. Cyrus, sporting a grin, couldn't contain his anticipation for the beach scene. "Girls in bikinis, the sun, the surf - it's the dream," he declared.

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