Chapter 4

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Ashley hair and outfit

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Ashley hair and outfit

It's been a few days, but today is the day my first day of school. The past two days were nice. I've been hanging out with Logan and his friends. They're pretty cool i'm lucky that I made friends in the beginning instead of doing it during school days because then I'll be more difficult and I'm not the best I'm making friends either. I'm not a shy person. I'm just don't look like a people person but not be friends with them, besides Logan being kind of cute I'm just friends New York is not like California for one California is not that loud it's not traffic all the time. OK California has bad traffic but New York. Just something else. The people just the whole atmosphere is different. I'm growing into it I mean this is gonna be my home until I graduate so I have to make the best of it but I'm excited for my first day, especially since I'm gonna be in classes that actually focuses on my career I want to be when I get out of high school, so no pointless classes and they are based on my academic level so no classes either now as Isaiah he's been texting me all summer talking about he apologize and he didn't mean anything he said I don't care because now I'm in a new city and new school and a new me and I for damn sure don't Nedra boy that don't support my. Academically or just in general

I wake up to the blaring alarm, signaling the beginning of another day in this chaotic city. My phone buzzes with "Mom" on the screen. It's become a daily check-in routine, a mix of care and control.

"Hey, Mom. Yeah, I'm alive," I say, trying to sound more awake than I feel.

"Did you eat?" she asks, as if my survival depends on breakfast.

"Yeah, yeah, had some granola bars. I'm good," I assure her, stifling a yawn.

"I miss you, Ash. The house feels empty," she confesses.

"Yeah, well, it's just a matter of time. Gotta hustle for that future," I reply, already feeling the weight of expectations.

"Oh, and guess who's been lurking around here? Isaiah. Thought you should know," she drops casually.

"Great, drama early in the morning. Mom, we're done. He needs to get that through his head," I state, annoyance creeping into my voice.

"That's my girl. Stay focused. Don't let anything mess with your goals," she advises, her words a mix of love and wisdom.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it. Love you," I mumble, hanging up.

Walking to my first class, I spot April. No corny greetings, just a nod.

"Morning, April.?" I said walking up to her she was on her phone

" hello my new best friend ," she replied , me and her both have advance English literature together so we were going to Same way only met her a few days but she's truly like a best friend it's like we clicked she's pretty cool matched my energy once it comes to thing and she's hilarious especially when she's teasing Cyrus As I navigate the bustling halls with April, a sudden collision catches me off guard. The vibe is instantly hostile, and I find myself face to face with someone new-Harper. I sense a mean girl energy radiating from her.

"Watch where you're going," she snaps, disdain dripping from her words.

I respond, raising an eyebrow, "Excuse me? We bumped into each other."

Harper shoots back with a sarcastic smile. "Just stay out of my way, new girl."

April and I exchange glances, both equally unimpressed. Who does she think she is?

As we continue walking, Harper decides to make her presence more known. "Do you even know who I am?" she asks, a hint of arrogance in her voice.

April and I exchange puzzled looks. Harper takes a dramatic pause before revealing, "I'm Harper Covey, just in case you've been living under a rock."

April and I exchange a confused glance. Under a rock? Famous? Is she serious?

"Okay, Harper Covey. Good for you," I reply, my tone dripping with sarcasm. "We're just here to get an education, not keep tabs on local celebrities."

With that, April and I continue on our way, leaving Harper Covey behind, her famous aura lost on us.

' ugh whatever just stay out of my way harper said walking away
' is this bitch serious?' I said April look at Harper walking away
' well. At least we know who the school mean girl probably rich daddy issues what you think' she asked
' most definitely daddy issues with a hint of spoilness' I said April laughed we finally get to class thank god

Lunchtime buzzes with the lively banter of our group. April and Cyrus continue their usual teasing, their playful jabs echoing through the cafeteria.

April grins mischievously at Cyrus, "So, Cyrus, any new marine life keeping you up at night?"

I smirk, "Yeah, I fought off a giant squid in my dreams last night. Tough battle."

We all laugh, and Logan, looking amused, chimes in, "You know, they say squids are night owls. Can't blame them for wanting some attention."

April nudges me, "Alright, Ash, spill. What's the deal with Isaiah? And don't give us the 'just friends' line."

I sigh, checking my phone, "Isaiah's just an ex from California. He's having a hard time accepting the 'ex' part."

Logan, overhearing, adds, "High school drama, always a classic."

Cyrus, feigning exhaustion, adds, "Speaking of drama, can we talk about how we're already exhausted, and school just started?"

April laughs, "Cyrus, you're the marine biologist, not an insomniac. Save the dramatics for your undersea adventures."

Amidst the chatter, my phone pings with another text from Isaiah. I roll my eyes, sharing the situation with a sigh. Logan, noticing my frustration, leans in.

"Is he causing trouble?" Logan asks, genuine concern in his eyes.

I wave it off, "Nah, just a persistent pest. I'll deal with it."

Logan smirks, "If you need a bodyguard, I'm your guy."
I laughed at. His little gesture
' thanks but not needed there's a thing called the block button'. I said blocking his number from my phone completely

April nudges me, "See, Ash, friends got your back."

'Thanks guys but like I said Isaiah not worth our time neither harper '
The boys look confused
' who the hell is Harper' Logan asked

' her name is Harper Covey she thinks the world revolves around her' April says

As he looks at us with a thoughtful expression. "Harper Covey? Oh, I know her. We used to date back in New Jersey. But, well, this summer we decided to go our separate ways for some reasons."

April chuckles, " you dated that spoiled bitch" I looked at April
' well ..yeah Logan you dated her like for real not a bet?' I'd asked as I am being curious
' unfortunately she was nice at first then true colors blossoms right into my face' he says

Cyrus adds, "Yeah that's the gist of it , they're like oil and water. Just didn't mix well." Cyrus takes a sip of his water ' week atleast you broke up with her before you got stuck with her because you'll be fucked forever' he said April nods her head in agreement

' that's true' I said in agreement the bell rings we all headed to our next and continued our school day after a long day of school and hanging out with my friends and my homework I'm glad I. Moved here it's the best I live and this is going to be a crazy chapter of my life but I'm ready for it and we new characters in my chapter sons I'm more interested then other if you get my drift

But that's whole other chapter

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