Chapter 7

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Surrounded by the extravagance of the party, I couldn't help but feel like an outsider in this world of opulence. Cyrus pointed out the obvious - we were technically high earners, considering our school's tuition costs. But Logan, ever pragmatic, mentioned the disparity in lifestyle.

"Yeah, but this is different. These folks probably have maids and stuff," he observed, his eyes taking in the luxurious surroundings.

I nodded, noting the fancy bathrooms that resembled those you see on Pinterest. April, on the other hand, was brimming with enthusiasm. "Come on, guys! This is our chance to experience a high school party in all its glory."

As the night unfolded, the atmosphere buzzed with laughter, music, and the exuberant energy of youth. Amidst the crowd, a guy attempted to strike up a conversation with me, but Logan stepped in protectively.

My heart fluttered at his chivalry, finding an unexpected allure in the way he looked out for me. The mix of the party's adrenaline and this surge of attraction created a moment of intensity. April, always attuned to these dynamics, grinned mischievously, whispering, "Ash, that was hot. Something's definitely brewing."

The night continued as a vibrant mosaic of colors and sounds, our group fully immersed in the spectacle of the rich kid party. As the pulsating music filled the air and the vibrant lights illuminated the party, Logan leaned in and asked, "Ashley, want a drink?"

I grinned, "Sure, surprise me."

As he ventured off to fetch our drinks, the lively atmosphere surrounding us, I noticed Harper approaching Logan. It was a scenario I hadn't anticipated, and a sense of tension lingered in the air.

Harper, with her characteristic flair, sidled up to Logan, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Well, well, Logan. Fancy seeing you here. What brings you to this fabulous event?"

Logan, with his trademark sarcasm, replied, "Just trying to relive the glory days, Harper. You know, those epic parties where we all basked in your radiant charm."

Harper, undeterred, laughed with a touch of condescension, "Ah, Logan, always the charmer. I'm sure Ashley here can't resist your brooding musician vibes."

Logan, his dry humor intact, retorted, "Believe it or not, Harper, some people appreciate a good brood."

Harper, switching her attention to me, threw a thinly veiled barb, "Ah, Ashley, still hanging out with this 'complicated artist' act? You do realize he's been there, done that, right?"

I met her gaze with a calm confidence, "Harper, I appreciate your concern for my life choices, but I think I'll manage just fine."

Harper, ever the mean girl, continued her onslaught, "Well, enjoy your little gathering. I have more interesting things to do."

As she walked away, Logan and I exchanged a glance, acknowledging the unexpected intrusion. Determined to savor the night, we rejoined the festivities, leaving Harper and her theatrics in the background.

As Logan handed me a drink, I took a sip, letting the lively ambiance of the party surround us. He glanced around, taking in the extravagant scene, and then turned his attention to me.

"You know, this is the first high school party I've actually enjoyed," I admitted, a genuine smile playing on my lips.

Logan, slightly taken aback, raised an eyebrow. "Really? I thought you were a seasoned party-goer."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Not really. Back at my old school, parties were more of a chore than anything else. Isaiah had a tendency to... let loose, and someone had to supervise."

Logan laughed, "Ah, the joys of babysitting at parties."

I nodded, "Exactly. But this... this is different. It's kind of fun."

He grinned, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, welcome to the world of enjoyable high school parties. It's not all bad."

As we chatted, the easy banter flowed, and I couldn't help but notice the chemistry that lingered in the air. Logan, seemingly attuned to the subtle shifts, leaned in a bit closer, his gaze locking with mine.

"Enjoying the party, Ash?" he asked, his voice carrying a hint of flirtation.

I met his gaze, a teasing smile playing on my lips. "More than I expected, especially with good company."

Logan's eyes held a warmth that transcended the lively atmosphere around us. "Same here. It's a pleasant surprise."As the night wore on, the energy of the party began to wane, and the group decided it was time to leave. April, visibly exhausted, received a teasing comment from Cyrus, who affectionately called her "baby." The playful banter between them lightened the mood, but Cyrus, always considerate, eventually offered her a piggyback ride.

"Alright, baby, hop on," he chuckled, and April, amidst laughter from the group, reluctantly accepted the offer.

While Cyrus and April engaged in their playful banter, Logan and I walked together a bit behind them. The city's nocturnal charm enveloped us as we exchanged thoughts about the party and delved into various topics.

"So, the party," Logan began, a playful smile on his face. "What did you think?"

I shrugged, "It was more entertaining than I expected. Not really my scene, though."

He nodded, "Fair enough. I agree the music could've been better."

"Yeah," I agreed, adjusting my headphones. "I usually have my own playlist going. You know, escape the world for a bit."

Logan raised an eyebrow, "Oh? What's on your playlist? Any favorites?"

I smiled, "Chase Atlantic and SZA are my go-to. I love how Chase Atlantic isn't confined to one genre, and SZA's voice just hits differently, you know?"

He nodded thoughtfully, "Solid choices. I'm a fan of The Neighborhood and, of course, Chase Atlantic too."

I glanced at him, intrigued. "What is it about them that you like?"

Logan explained, "The Neighborhood's vibe resonates with me. Their music has this unique blend of melancholy and energy. And Chase Atlantic, well, they're just versatile. I appreciate artists who aren't afraid to explore different sounds."

Our conversation continued, weaving through topics like favorite albums, memorable concerts, and the power of music to shape moods and experiences. Amidst the city lights and the gentle hum of the night, our connection deepened, bridging the gap between strangers and kindred spirits.

As the boys bid their goodbyes and headed to their dorms, April and I strolled together through the dormitory halls. April, in her slightly inebriated state, leaned on me for support.

"You're like my drunk bodyguard," she giggled, causing a few passing students to glance at us.

I rolled my eyes, "More like a drunken koala clinging to my side."

April laughed, "Well, you should be honored. Not everyone gets to be a koala tree."

We reached April's room, and as she fumbled with her keys, she suddenly turned serious, or as serious as she could be in her current state.

"You know, Ash, you and Logan? There's something there."

I scoffed, "Oh, come on, April. We're just friends."

She raised an eyebrow, "Friends with undeniable chemistry. Even drunk me sees it."

I chuckled, "Drunk you is quite the relationship expert."

April grinned, "Hey, I might be tipsy, but I'm not blind. You two have a vibe."

I shook my head, "April, you've watched too many rom-coms."

She shrugged, "Maybe. But I've also seen the way he looks at you."

I sighed, "It's just friendly looks. We're not some Hollywood romance."

April winked, "Deny it all you want, but I'm shipping Ash and Logan. It's happening."

With that, April stumbled into her room, leaving me standing in the hallway, both amused and bemused by her intoxicated matchmaking skills. Little did I know, this playful banter would linger in the back of my mind,

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