I hovered my finger on the exit button. I wasn't keen on hearing arbitrary discussions when the bus out of the district would pass in ten minutes or so.

"It's targeted any kind of establishments lately. Businesses, politics or even... the education systems. I'll give an example of a pure bred manufacture of its effects currently around. I'm sure some of you have seen this wolf who wears sheep's clothing in the magazines or on TV not too long ago."

I was suddenly getting an unsettling feeling from where this was going.

"He goes by the name of Garren Adler."


I couldn't seem to arrive at the academy soon enough. Why had I gotten so bothered that I'd chosen it over the bakery? I don't know, I could never seem to understand myself anymore.

Just hearing that woman speak for a whole ten minutes on St. Sinclair's notorious prince of darkness in a far from appraising note had me stirred. My mouth hung in awe at every proceeding second. From how she proclaimed Garren's post as captain of Coeus was an injustice conspired by corporate greedy mongrels out to defile order all for the sake of their prejudice belief in ignorant, rich pigs as superior to all.

That wasn't the worst part. There were anonymous letters she read out from girls allegedly Garren harassed, bullied or called racial slurs and one he caused into almost committing suicide.

The mention of him being against donations and charity, even how he had only attended the game show out of obligation. Alongside making claims she suspected the boy of severe disorders that needed to be verified in case he actually should've been admitted to a psychiatric ward.

I couldn't argue on that one though, honestly.

Not once did this woman alter from her refined demeanour or graceful speech etiquette like a professor talking in a lecture hall, but the message was clear. It wasn't about capitalism or corporate greed. It was a big middle finger to solely Garren.

"The video is epic," enthused Liam. All years were migrating to the auditorium for the morning assembly scheduled every first Monday of the month. Today being that day.

It had completely slipped my mind since the only thing on it after leaving the hotel was the audacious video my friends were gushing over.

"I know right? The part where she compared him to a cabbage field was priceless!" chuckled Ashton. I supposed I would've let out a few laughs too if I wasn't thinking about the consequences. I appeared to be the only one conscious of that.

It was like they were forgetting just who they were dealing with here. Garren may have been one of a thousand spoilt, ignorant rich boys but he was also a diabolical brainiac and psychotic. That was a more dangerous combination than a flame on oil.

"I've watched it like, three times," stated Ashton. "This Virtue lady is my new hero."

Liam nodded. "It's a seriously thorough job too. Isn't she a uni student? How'd she get all that stuff?"

Those were my thoughts exactly. It was too in depth. Most of what she ranted was complete lies but only a fraction inside the academy would know that already. Specifically, those in Coeus who were around him to know that Garren never needed to stoop as low as gender or ethnicity to ridicule someone. The only thing that was definitely true was the unorthodox captain voting which made the margin of suspects limited to the members and board.

"It's not like it's a secret that people hate the arsehole," said Ashton. "I'm glad someone finally had the balls to address it to the world."

"It was a little over the line though."

Adler | The Aces of St.Sinclair BOOK 1.Where stories live. Discover now