(Hawks x reader) 'Paparazzi' pt 3

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Last part!🐸⚔️🐌

Um I guess this is in an AU where Hawks didn't pretend to join the LOV bc that wouldn't really make sense in this oneshot. Enjoy<3



Your POV:

I kicked the pro hero Gunhead's head and dodged a punch he sent my way. I could hear the sound of the nearing police cars and knew I had to finish this quickly.

Just then, my phone started ringing. I checked it and was surprised to see who was calling me- an unknown number.

"Um, hello?" I said into the phone, blocking a punch from Gunhead.

"Heya, Y/N." came Hawks' familiar voice from the speaker "You free today?"

Oh yeah, I did give him my number, didn't I? But why was he calling me now? Wasn't he at work? Didn't he think I was at work?

"Uh, I think so, why?" I asked, ducking as Gunhead's foot swung over my head.

"Is it so bad for a hero to want to see his biggest fan every once in a while." said Hawks "To be honest, you were actually pretty fun to talk to the other day at the restaurant."

"Wait, so, like, you want to meet up with me?" I asked, and in my shock I wasn't able to dodge the punch Gunhead sent to my stomach. I grunted and gripped my middle with the hand not holding the phone.

"Yeah... Um, are you ok?? You sound like you just got punched in the gut lol."

"Haha, yeah, I'm fine. Just....um...cramps." I wheezed, kicking Gunhead in the chest to avenge my bruised stomach.

"Oooh." Hawks said in realization "Well, if you're not feeling well we can meet up a different ti-"

"No, I'm ok!" I assured him through gritted teeth "What time were you thinking? And where?"

"Well there's this cafe on the east side of town and I was thinking we could meet during my lunch bre- is that a siren!?"

Sure enough, the police had caught up with me. I cursed under my breath and started running away down an alley.

"Um, yeah, there was a...um..." I tried to think of something fast "fire at the place I work!"

"Wait really? That would explain why you're running... You work at a grocery store, right? Is everyone ok? Are you ok?" asked Hawks.

"Yeah, everyone is fine." I said between heavy breaths. Once I deemed it safe, I looked back and that I wasn't being followed. I sighed and sat down on the ground in a small dark alleyway.

"You sound pretty busy, I should probably let you go know." said Hawks "See you later!"

"See ya."

He hung up and I slipped my phone back into my pocket.

That was a close one! I thought, grateful that Hawks had bought my excuse.

I looked forward to meeting up with him. I could get some valuable information from him, regarding the mission I was on for the League Of Villains.

But deep down, I had a lurking suspicion that that wasn't the only reason I wanted to see Hawks...


I wore casual, but nice, clothes to the café me and Hawks were scheduled to meet at.

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