Denki x reader

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Halloween special! I know it's not Halloween yet but for me, Halloween is a month. And I'm out if ideas.

Also, comic credit goes to the creator^^^


Your POV:

"What are you going to be for Halloween?" I asked Denki, two weeks before the said holiday.

"Probably Pikachu or something." he shrugged, not looking up from his phone.

"Aw, but I wanted to do a couple's costume together!" I pouted.

"Sure." he answered quickly "What did you have in mind?"

"You'll see." I answered with a knowing grin.

~•~❤️~•~time skip brought to you by Sato's pumpkin pie

"Attention, class 1-a!" announced Mina one the evening of October 31st to the entire common room "The first ever annual class 1-a costume contest is about to begin! Allow me to explain the rules! Me, Sato, Koda, Jiro and Shoji are going to judge you on how much we like your costume overall. We each gave a white board on which we will write your score. You can get anything from one to ten! Let's get started!"

The panel of judges sat down on the couch, each holding a small white board like the ones we'd used to write our hero names.

Mina checked a list of names and said:

"First up we have Midoriya dressed as... a ghost!"

Midoriya shyly stepped into the cleared space in front of the couch, wearing a simple yet adorable ghost costume.

"Pretty cute!" commented Mina "But not very original, to be honest. Seven out of ten! What do you think, fellow judges?"

"I agree." said Jiro "A little bit childish, but Midoriya is rocking it. Eight out of ten!"

Shoji, Koda and Sato held up their boards: six, seven and nine.

"That gives Midoriya an overall score of... Thirty- seven! Congratulations! Next up is... Bakugo!"

Midoriya bowed awkwardly and stepped aside. Bakugo trudged up to the 'stage', looking grumpy.

"Great puppy costume, Bakugo!" giggled Mina.

"It's a wolf, idiots!" yelled Bakugo, adjusting his furry tail.

"Sure it is. Pretty neat costume but I'm taking off points for rudeness! Six out of ten!" announced Mina.

"Yeah, it's giving furry. Six out if ten!" said Jiro.

Bakugo glared threateningly at the other judges.

Koda shakily wrote down something and held it up: ten points.

"Bakugo, you can't scare the judges into giving you a higher score!" scolded Mina as the other two also wrote 'ten'.

"I'm not!" he answered angrily.

"We'll let Koda's slide because he'll probably give anyone with an animal costume a ten, but Shoji's and Sato's are being reduced to fives!" said Mina.

"You can't do that!" shouted Bakugo, but the head judge ignored him.

"Bakugo's total score is... Thirty-two!" said Jiro. "Next up is... Todoroki!"

Bakugo angrily left the room as Todoroki took the stage.

The judges were left stunned by the utter beauty of his costume.

"Todoroki... What are you supposed to be?" wondered Shoji, staring at the boy's bizarre attire.

"I'm..." Todoroki paused dramatically before striking a pose and saying "Todoroni!"

Mina and the others burst out laughing at his creative macaroni noodle costume.

Simultaneously, all five judges held up their white boards: five perfect scores.

"Fifty points for Todoroki!" cheered Mina, wiping a tear from her eye "No explanation needed! Next up are... Denki and Y/N with their original couple costumes!"

My time had come.

I nodded to Uraraka. She nodded back and turned off the living room light. The audience gasped as the room was plunged into darkness.

"What's this? Is the power out?" wondered Mina.

I signaled to Momo and she turned on a spotlight.

As she aimed it at the center if the stage, I nodded to Denki and we stepped forward.

"Prepare for trouble!" I said dramatically. I walked into the spotlight and the judges gasped.

"And make it double!" said Denki, also stepping into the illuminated circle.

I quickly adjusted my long pink wig as I said:

"To protect the world from deviation!"

"To unite all peoples within our nation!" added Denki, flipping a lock if his shoulder length blue hair out of his face.

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"

"Jessie!" I exclaimed.

"James!" replied Denki, striking a pose.

"Team rocket blast off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now or prepare to fight!" we finished together.

If only Bakugo had said "Meowth! That's right!" to complete it, but no matter how much we had offered him, he declined.

So, sadly, our catch phrase was left unfinished, but we bowed anyway as the rest of our class burst into applause.

"Splendid!" praised Mina.

"I love a dramatic entrance!" said Jiro.

"I never liked Team Rocket but that was pretty good." added Shoji.

We held our breath as they wrote down our scores. They all held theirs up and I exclaimed happily when I saw five tens.


"So, who wins?" wondered Tsu at the end of the competition "Todoroki or Kaminari and L/N? They all got perfect scores."

"Don't worry, we have a solution!" assured Mina happily.

"An arm wrestle?" asked Kirishima hopefully. He had gotten almost a perfect score for his shark costume, but Koda had said it was too scary.

"No, silly, bonus points!" said Mina "The first one goes to... Uraraka for the amazing low-gravity magic tricks she performed to perfect her witch costume!"

The others cheered as Uraraka blushed and thanked them.

"The second one goes to... Momo for making her own costume! Very original and creative!" announced Jiro.

We cheered again as Momo bowed modestly.

I held my breath as Mina got ready to announce the next bonus point. This could determine whether we win or loose...

"And the last bonus point goes to... Denki and
Y/N for their perfectly styled wigs!" yelled Mina.

"We did it!" me and Denki cheered as the others clapped.

"Congratulations, you two! You've just won class 1-a's first annual Halloween costume contest!" said Mina.

Me and Denki high-fived, happy that we had won something (for the first time in our lives).

So, the lesson today, kids, is that beating other people is fun and Pokémon is awesome.

Happy Halloween, everyone!



Fun fact: I did not google the Team Rocket catch phrase. I've had it memorized for years. It has been permanently burned into my brain.

Anyway, thanks for reading and have a spooky Halloween everyone!🎃👻💀❤️


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