Aizawa x reader

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Do not read if you are triggered by panic attacks or mentions of raping!


Your POV:

I was walking home from the convenience store with a bag full of groceries, walking quickly and using my hood to cover most of my face.

I had always hated going out at night because of the frequent villain spottings in my area and because of past experiences.

I always minded my own business and never caused anyone any problems but criminals didn't seem to care about things like that.

They targeted anyone and everyone, especially common civilians like me. Some even went as far as to torture their victims before stealing from them. And if you were a woman, sometimes they did even worse...

I've had unspeakable things done to me. Once, two years ago, I was walking home from the store on a night much like this one, when a villain appeared out of nowhere. He saw how scared and defenseless I was and took advantage of that.

I still have nightmares about that sometimes.

I quickened my pace, fueled by fear. It could have been my imagination, but I could have sworn I heard footsteps behind me.

I started to walk faster and so did the person following me.

My heartbeat quickened and I started to run. I was almost home when...

"Not so fast, missy."

I whipped around and saw what looked like a common thug, holding a small knife and stumbling into the alley.

I probably could have taken him on if it weren't for the overwhelming fear clouding my mind. Memories resurfaced against my will and started replaying in my head...


"You can't escape."

The villain was standing at the end of the alleyway, blocking my only exit and crushing all hope of escaping.

"Now, why don't we have a little bit of fun?" he proposed with an evil grin.

Long sharp blades grew out of his shoulders and arms. He stepped closer to me and I cowered before him, begging him not to hurt me.

"I'm not going to hurt you." he purred in my ear.

He was now unbearably close. I could feel his hot breath on my neck. My heart was pounding and my breaths were fast and shallow.

The villain put a hand on the wall beside my head and continued:

"That is, if you don't cause any trouble."

"Please... Please no..." I whimpered as he leaned down closer to my face.

"I just want to have a little fun with you." he whispered with another malicious grin "And if you fight back... well, that won't happen now, will it?" he asked, fingering one of the sharp blades on his arm.

In desperation, I shook my head and he smiled in satisfaction.

"Good girl. Wouldn't want to harm that pretty face of yours, would we?"

My back was pressed firmly up against the wall and tears were streaming down my face. I endured unspeakable torture that night that I would never forget for the rest if my life...


"Hey! Hey! It's ok, mam, you're safe now!"

I heard a voice but couldn't make out what they were saying. I tried to slow my breathing and clear my head of the panic that was filling it but I couldn't. All I could feel was fear.

My eyes were unfocused but I could just make out a dark figure right in front of me. I panicked and instinctively pushed them back. But they didn't budge, they stood firmly before me, saying something that I couldn't hear.

"It... ok... safe... not hurt..."

I flinched when I felt a weight on my shoulder, but calmed down slightly when I realised that it was only a comforting hand resting on my shoulder. I blinked and saw the person before me more clearly.

It was hard to make out some of his facial features in the dim light of the street lamp, but I could see that he was a man with long black hair and a thin scarf wrapped around his neck.

His hand was on my shoulder and he was looking at me with concern, trying to bring me out of my panicked state.

My eyes darted around until I spotted an unconscious man laying behind the black-haired man and recognised him as the thug from before.

"You're safe." repeated the man who had knocked out the thug "I took care of that guy. There's nothing to be afraid of. My hero name is Eraserhead but you can call me Shota. Once you're ready, can you tell me what happened?"

"I... I... I..." I started but I couldn't get the words out.

"It's ok. Just breath, ok?"

I took a few deep breaths and soon felt better.

"I was walking home from the store when that guy stumbled into the alley, holding a knife and threatening me. He didn't look very dangerous, but a memory of a similar but much worse situation I was in two years ago resurfaced and... my mind just went blank with fear." I explained between heavy breathes.

To my surprise, Shota wrapped his arms around me and enveloped me in a comforting hug. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I returned the hug.

"I'm so sorry you had to endure that." he said quietly "But I promise I won't let anything like that happen to you ever again. There will always be a hero patroling here from now on."

"Thank you." I whispered.

We stood like that for a while until I'd fully calmed down.

Shota kept his promise and this part of town became a much safer place to live. He came to check on me every so often and we even became friends.

I could never thank him enough for all he's done for me. Over time, I even developed a little crush on him.

But he beat me to confessing one night while he was visiting me after patrol. We've been together ever since and my life has never been better.



I kinda stuffed all the romance into one paragraph but oh well. I hope you guys are doing real peachy.

Love ya bye 💖💖💖🍔


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