(Bakugo x Reader) Swappy Pt 2

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No one's POV:

"Everybody is going to the summer camp. But those of you who failed the exams will be taking extra lessons with me while we're there."

The class cheered at Mr Aizawa's words, happy that even the people who had failed would still be attending. You were especially happy. Not that you had failed (you hadn't done much studying at Bakugo's house but still managed to scrape a passing grade) but most of your friends had failed.

"Denki, Mina, Kiri, Sero, I'm so glad you guys get to come!" you said once Aizawa had dismissed the class.

"How did you manage to pass but not me?" groaned Kirishima "I was the one who actually studied! You were too busy kissing Bakugo!"

"You WHAT!?" exclaimed Mina.

"Heh, yeah, I totally did." You snickered.

"Are you guys like a thing now???" she asked, still very confused.

"No, we were playing truth or dare." you explained.

"Oh." said Mina, looking a little disappointed.

"But seriously, did you cheat?" asked Denki.

"What? Who me? Never! I guess me and Bakugo just got all the brains in the Bakusquad." you said nervously, because you may or may not have switched places with Midoriya while Aizawa wasn't looking and memorized some of the answers before switching back, writing them in your test and then threatening to dye Midoriya's hair pink if he told anyone. I guess we'll never know.

"Hey, I passed." reminded Jiro.

"Yes, you're smart too." you said, waving a hand dismissively.

"How did Bakugo react when you kissed him?" asked Mina suddenly.

"Seriously, why do you care so much? It was just a silly game." you said, rolling your eyes.


"He almost blew me up."

"But, like, did he blush? Even a little bit?" she persisted.


"He did, didn't he!!!" Mina gasped. "I bet he likes you!"

"Mina, anybody would blush a little bit if someone just kissed them without their consent. Don't overthink it."

"I'm just saying-"

Your conversation was cut off by the ringing of the bell and Mina reluctantly went back to her own seat.


*time skip to when they're boarding the bus for summer camp*

"Single file line!" ordered Iida, chopping his arm in the air.

You wondered why he did that. Maybe when he was younger he went to some traumatizing karate lesson or something.

You got onto the bus and started looking for a seat. They were in pairs of two and the only free one you saw was next to... Bakugo.

You kept searching, desperate for a place to sit that wouldn't be in danger of getting blown up during the ride. Kirishima was sitting with Mina, Jiro with Denki, Sero with Ojiro and Uraraka with Midoriya. You barely knew the other people in your class, but even if you were friends with them it wouldn't change the fact that there were no free seats.

You sighed and sat down next to Bakugo, pulling out your earbuds.

"Guess I'm stuck sitting next to you, Boom boom boy."

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