Koda x Pony

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Requested by Rodikoda! ALL of the plot credit goes to them, I'm just rewriting their idea a little bit more detailed!

Requested by Rodikoda! ALL of the plot credit goes to them, I'm just rewriting their idea a little bit more detailed!

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^^^Also, that's Pony Tsunatori in case you forgot


Third person POV:

Koji Koda nervously checked his reflection in the mirror. This was his first date, so he had to look nice.

Not that they were going anywhere fancy- in fact, it was Pony Tsunatori's idea that they go to the zoo together.

Of course, she had suggested it knowing about his love for animals, being the kind and thoughtful person she was.

Koda was excited to say the least to go on a date with her.

A few minutes before the time they had agreed to meet at, Koda said goodbye to his pet rabbit and left his dorm.

Soon he arrived at the zoo entrance, where Pony was already waiting for him. She was wearing a simple, yet beautiful, orange dress and waved excitedly when she saw him.

"Hi, Koji!"

"Hello, Pony." he answered, feeling slightly more relaxed around her.

"Come on, let's go look at the rhinos!"

Pony grabbed him by the hand and pulled him forward.

They walked through the entrance and around the zoo, still holding hands.

"Wow, look they have penguins!" exclaimed Pony, running up to the exhibit.

Koda followed her, watching the birds flip and swim in the water.

"What do you want to see next?"

Before Pony could answer, a scream was heard from somewhere nearby.

Koda looked around, heart beating fast, for the source of the sound.

Soon he spotted it- by the zebras, a group of about thirty villains were rampaging, capturing and injuring many of the visitors.

"Come one, Pony!" he said and, being a hero in training, attempted to lead her and as many others as possible to safety.

They hid inside the aquarium building, going in deeper untill they thought they were safe for the moment.

"What are we going to do?" whispered Pony.

"I-I don't know." Koda said back "But we have to do something. We're UA students after all."

Pony nodded. Koda then went over to a nearby window and called out to the birds.

A few birds flew up to him and he whispered instructions to them on where to find help.

"The pro heroes should be here shortly." he said nervously.

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