Kaminari x Jiro

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Jiro's POV:

I was sitting at my desk, surrounded by my best friends - the Bakusquad. I was chatting with Mina but my eyes kept straying towards the energetic blonde laughing at something Kirishima had said.

"...is totally overrated, right? Kyoka?"

Mina's voice snapped me out if my daydream.

"Yeah? Sorry, I zoned out."

She looked suspiciously at me and then looked around in the direction I had been staring at. Her eyes found Kaminari and realization dawned on her features.

"Were you staring at Denki? *gasp* You like him, don't you??" she exclaimed.

"No!" I said quickly, though the blush on my face said otherwise.

Mina giggled.

"You two are perfect for each other!! I just know he likes you back!"

I sighed.

"No, I doubt he does. He's so friendly and popular and funny and cute..."

"Wow, you really are in love."

"Shut up." I grumbled, face turning red. I hadn't even realized I had said that last part. I think it so often I guess it slipped out. Either way, the fact remained: Kaminari was out of my league.

"Hey, Mina, Hi Jiro!"

I jumped and turned as none other than my crush himself made his way towards us.

Mina gave me a knowing smirk that made my cheeks flush yet again.

"Uh, Jiro, you're face is kind of red, are you okay?" asked Kaminari with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, glaring at Mina, who was looking between the two of us, the mischievous smile never leaving her lips.

"Okay." he said cheerfully. "I was wondering if you two wanted to hang out at my dorm later. We're gonna play Super Smash Bros!"

I perked up "Yeah, I'd love to!"

"Sorry I still have to finish that essay Aizawa gave us last week." said Mina.

"Okay, next time I guess."

Mina winked at me before returning to her desk. You hoped Kaminari hadn't seen that.

"What was that about?" he asked.

He had.

"I have no idea." I lied.

"Okay... Well I see you later. 4 o'clock sound ok?"

"Yeah, I'll be there."


No one's POV:

"Hey, have you told her yet?" asked Kirishima as he elbowed his best friend, Kaminari.

"No." he sighed. "I will. Just not now."

"C'mon, man. I just know she likes you back."

"I doubt it. She's so kind, and smart, and fun, and cute..." he mumbled.

"Just confess already." advised Kirishima "That's the manly thing to do."

"Fine." said Kaminari "I'll tell her how I feel when I see her after school today."

"I'm rooting for you, bro!"


Jiro's POV:

I was lounging in my dorm room, waiting for four o'clock to come. I had finished all my homework and even practiced on my guitar for a little. I glanced at my digital alarm clock- 15:45.

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