Bakugo x reader (with braces) 2

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Requested by asher_iz_hot


Bakugo's POV:

Stupid Y/N.

Thinks she's better than me.

But she's wrong.

Or at least, that's what I had thought with certainty at the beginning of the year. But now, I wasn't so certain.

Sometimes, I'd 'win', sometimes she'd 'win', but most of the time we tied. Which was almost worse than loosing to her.

I had been determined to prove that I was better than her, to beat her at every test and battle. I'd trained every day after school so that I could finally surpass her.

But then, something I hadn't planned happened.

I stopped feeling so competitive around Y/N and instead of feeling hate towards her, I felt something else.

Over time, I started to feel weird whenever she would send me one of those annoying triumphant smirks of hers. And I didn't feel like pounding her face in whenever she beat me at something.

I told myself that I had just come to appreciate my opponent's strength and that, no matter how much I didn't want to acknowledge it, she was my equal.

But, deep down, I suspected that it was something else.

Something about her that made my heart rate increase, but not in hate.


Your POV:

"Pair up, everyone! We're doing practice battles again today!" announced the permanently tired voice of Mr Aizawa.

"Hey, Bakugo, fight me!" I demanded, pointing at the boy in question.

"Whatever, Braces Nerd." he said, doing The Bakugo Gremlin Walk™ over to me.

He was getting more creative with these insults, I thought sarcastically.

But it was very unbakugo of him to, first, not promise to blow me up into pieces and 'beat my ugly face into the ground' and, second, where was his anger!?

Braces nerd? What happened to Busu? Or *****?

I would have thought he would be excited to get a chance to beat me up, but if anything, he sounded reluctant.

"Start!" announced our teacher from somewhere nearby.

I charged at Bakugo, fist pulled back.

He managed to dodge and send an explosion my way.

I braced myself for the scorching heat and raised my arms defensively to protect my face.

But the explosion that he sent at me was less than I was expecting. It barely singed the tips of my hair and left me completely uninjured.

It was almost as if Bakugo was... holding back?

No, it couldn't be. For all that crap he told all his other opponents to 'not hold back so that he could have a fair win' why would he hold back against me?

Either way, I took the opportunity to charge at him from behind and knock him over.

I sat on top of him and pinned his head down against the ground.

"I win." I whispered tauntingly in his ear.

For a split second I could have sworn I saw his face flush.

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