(Bakugo x reader) Swappy Pt 4

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Last part! Don't worry, there is actually Bakugo x reader fluff in this one and not just Y/N being an idiot.


Your POV:

I woke up and for one blissful moment I didn't remember where I was. Then it all came back in a rush of pain and bad memories.

Yes, I had been captured and I was pretty sure the wound on my leg was infected, but the important thing was that Bakugo was safe.

"She's awake!" called a tall man with purple burned skin stapled to his unburned skin. He had shaggy black hair and bright blue eyes.

"Can I cut her now!" said the girl that stabbed me, skipping into the room.

"You already did, by the looks of it." said the other guy, looking down at my blood soaked pant leg.

"Heh, yeah I did. But I want more!" she said.

"If you cut her anymore she'll die. Granted, she'll probably die anyway from that infection." he smiled evilly. "But that's ok, she's not the one we wanted anyway."

"Hey! I'll have you know I'm away better than Bakugo! Why want him when you can have me?" I snapped. Good to know that I still had some of that Y/N sass.

"If you're so much better than him then why did he beat you in the UA sports festival?" the villain asked.

"I've gotten stronger since then! And besides, I'm the one who saved HIM when I teleported him to safety." I pointed out.

"Good job, you got yourself kidnapped." he rolled his eyes and several more villains entered the room- the mist dude, handy man, Deadpool and a ninja turtle?

"I thought we were kidnapping that boy?" said the ninja turtle. Actually no, he was more like a ninja lizard.

"Instead you're stuck with little ol' me!" I smiled which seemed to confuse him even more.

"I like her. No, I don't, let's kill her." said the Deadpool villain with a grey and black costume.

"You fighting inner demons or somethin?"

"Since we don't need her, can I kill her?" begged the crazy girl.

"Hey, it's not like I'm useless! I'm really good at french braiding for one! I could even braid your hair, Handyman! Make you look real cute for your next killing spree~"

"Quiet!" said the handy man from the USJ attack "Kurogiri, how did this happen?"

"She has some sort of teleportation quirk. Just as we were leaving, she traded places with the boy." explained portal dude.

"Interesting." he scratched his neck.

"Have you ever heard of chapstick?" I asked him "Or lotion? Cause you're crustier than-"

"Enough! Kill her for all I care, clearly she's useless." he said angrily.

"You know what my quirk is right?" I asked them, getting a few confused nods in return.

"Then why bother tying me up?"

I mustered my strength and swapped places with knife girl, her being closest to the exit. Leaving her tied to a chair and a bunch of confused villains in my wake, I ran as fast as I could out the door.

I could barely walk, but I still managed to get pretty far before getting caught.

"You're gonna pay for that." sneered Handyman.

"Sorry, I left my wallet at home." I replied. I was having trouble staying awake, but the thought of never waking up again motivated me to try harder.

I was blind folded and but back into the chair. It was pretty smart, honestly. I didn't have to be alone in the room as long as I couldn't see.

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