(Bakugo x reader) Swappy Pt3

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~•~❤️~•~*during the test of courage*

Your POV

"I hope there's no dirt monsters this time." I said to Uraraka as we walked through the dark forest, flashlights in hands.

"Yeah, but knowing UA it's probably not going to be a peaceful stroll in the woods." she replied.

I had to admit, she had a point. With UA it was definitely never boring.

Suddenly, you heard a snapping twig.

"Wawasat!?" I wispered.

A knife came shooting out of the darkness. Uraraka managed to avoid it, causing it to stab itself into the tree behind her.

I barely managed to muffle my scream of terror as we shared a panicky glance.

"I don't think that was a squirrel." I told her quietly.

"You think!? Let's get out of here!"

I nodded and we started to quickly evacuate the area.

"I can tell we're going to be best friends!" said a creepy female voice from the shadows.

"Definitely not a squirrel." I informed Uraraka, getting into a battle stance.

A girl in a highschool uniform with blond hair pulled up into two buns, holding a knife in her hand emerged from behind a tree.

"Villains." I muttered to Uraraka "Get ready."

"Can I stab you? Pretty please?" she asked with a smile that showed her fang like canine teeth.

"Sorry but I'm not aiming to become a shish kebab today." I told her, ignoring the fear building up inside me and getting ready to swap with her if she gets to close.

"Aw, what about you? I wanna see you bleed!" she said to Uraraka.

"No way!"

The psychopath lunged forward, trying to stab Uraraka. I swapped places with her, so that I was standing in front of Uraraka and she was a little ways to the left of her.

She looked confusedly around before smiling again.

"That's an interesting quirk you got there." she complemented me, before attacking.

Now I didn't have the element of surprise and I couldn't use my quirk without getting myself or Uraraka stabbed.

I managed to grab her wrist just in time. She struggled, but I didn't let go. I guess the threat of getting stabbed gave me a little extra strength.

"You have a crush on someone, don't you?" she whispered.

"What is this, a sleepover!?" I said back

"I can smell it on you! Who is it? I have a crush on someone too, you know!" she said quietly, but excitedly.

"Why are we having this conversation??" I tried to twist the knife out of her hand, but her grip was firm. We stood like that for awhile.

"C'mon, you can tell me! I am your best friend after all!"

Suddenly she stopped trying to stab my stomach, instead she ripped her wrist put of my grasp and stabbed me in the thigh while I was caught off guard.

I saw my blood travel up a little tube before the crazy villain girl unattached it and ran off, giggling.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!" I screamed, looking at the blade imbedded a few inches into my flesh

"Y/N are you okay!?" panicked Uraraka.

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