Koda x Nonverbal reader

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Just to clarify it's KoDa (the big boy with the animal quirk) and not KoTa (the little boy that punched Midoriya you-know-where).

He's kind of underrated and I've never seen any oneshots with him, so here you go<3


Your POV:

I walked through the gates of UA on the first day of school, amazed that I had gotten in. My quirk- metal bending - sure had come in useful when fighting all those robots.

Even though I couldn't speak, I felt confident that I could become a hero. I was stronger than I looked and even though I was known as 'the quiet kid' I was not afraid to defend myself when needed.

I wandered the halls, looking for a door labeled '1-A'. Soon I found it and opened it excitedly, wondering what my new class would be like.

The first thing I saw was a boy with spikey blonde hair with his feet on the desk in front of him getting scolded by a boy with blue hair and glasses.

I decided to let them do their thing and sat down next to a friendly looking girl with short brown hair.

"Hi, my name's Ochaco Uraraka! What's yours?" she smiled.

I smiled back and took out a piece of paper from my backpack. She watched curiously as I quickly wrote down:

Nice to meet you! I'm Y/N L/N. I hope we can be friends!

"Of course we can be friends, L/N!" said Uraraka "Um... can you not talk? No offense or anything, I was just curious!" she added hurriedly.

I smiled at her and shook my head. I wrote:

No I'm nonverbal (mute) but I can hear! I'm glad you want to be my friend!

Me and Uraraka talked, well she talked and I wrote, for awhile before I noticed a shy, quiet boy sitting in the back of the classroom.

Who's that tall quiet boy sitting in the back?

"Oh, that's Koda! He doesn't talk either. I mean, he can talk, he's just really shy." she explained.

Oh ok. So he has social anxiety? I have a friend like that. She writes stuff down to communicate but with the help of her new friend, she's been getting better at talking.

"That's awesome! Maybe you can go tal- uh, communicate with Koda! I'm sure he would love it if you offered to be his friend!" encouraged Uraraka.

I nodded and stood up. I walked over to Koda and waved, smiling brightly.

Do you know sign language? I asked him in sign.

He shook his head, looking nervous.

I pulled out another sheet of paper and wrote:

No problem! I'm Y/N L/N! I'm nonverbal so I can't talk but I would love to be friends!

After I showed him the message, I passed him the pen and flipped over the paper so that he could write something.

Hi, L/N. It's nice to meet you. I'm Koji Koda. I can talk but I mostly just talk to animals because I get nervous around people. I would like to be your friend.

I smiled as I read what he had written. A man in a yellow sleeping bag, whom I assumed was the teacher, told the class to settle down. I waved goodbye to my new friend and took my seat next to Uraraka.


As the days went by, me and Koda grew closer. He told me all about his love for animals and I told him about my hobbies and interests.

I was surprised and overjoyed when one day he told me he'd started learning sign language. He was kind and hard working once you got to know him and, over time, I developed a little crush on him.

Do you want to go to the park with me tomorrow? he asked in sign language one day as we sat next to each other during lunch, his big hands clumsily forming the simple sentence.

I smiled at the effort he was putting in to communicate with me and answered:

Yes! I would love to! What time?

How about ten?

I'll be there!


I got ready and started walking to the park we had agreed to meet at at around 9:50 a.m. The weather was beautiful, the sun was shining and a soft breeze was blowing through the leaves of the tall trees.

After a few minutes of waiting, I noticed Koda walking towards me. I waved enthusiastically at the boy and he waved shyly back. It was a little weird seeing him outside of school. He was wearing casual clothes as apposed to the UA uniform or his hero suit that I gotten used to seeing him wear.

What did you want to show me? I asked curiously as he got closer.

You'll see.

I rolled my eyes playfully at him and he gave me a small smile that made my heart flutter.

To my surprise, he grabbed me by the hand and started leading me down one of the park's many trails.

My cheeks turned pink but I didn't pull away. I gladly followed him down the small path until we arrived at a small clearing, surrounded by trees.

It's beautiful! I signed, gazing at the colorful wildflowers, tall trees, and light-spotted grass.

Yes. I come here to think sometimes. Koda told me. Do you want to see something cool?

Of course! I answered

Koda took a deep breath before turning away from me and saying:

"Please come here!"

I watched in amazement as about a dozen birds and a few squirrels flew and climbed down from the trees and surrounded Koda.

You have a nice voice. I signed to the boy, smiling as a bluejay landed on his outstretched finger.

You're like snow white! I grinned. He smiled too as another bird landed on him.

Put your hand out. he instructed. I did as I was told and outstretched my right hand.

Koda whispered something to a little bird on his shoulder and it flitted onto my palm.

It's so cute! I thought excitedly, watching the little bird jump around in my hand.

We stayed there for awhile, playing with the little animals and picking flowers. Overall, I had one of the most magical days of my life.

Thank you so much Koda! I had so much fun today! I signed as we were walking home.

No problem! Glad you enjoyed it! He replied.

After a few more minutes of walking, we had to part ways. As I waved goodbye to my best friend, I had an idea.

Oh, Koda, one more thing!

He turned around curiously.

I walked over to him, stood on my tippy toes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

I waved goodbye, blushing slightly and started walking home, leaving a stunned Koda in my wake. I stole one last glance behind me and saw him standing completely still as if he was frozen, touching his cheek with a dazed look on his face and blushing furiously.

I smiled happily to myself as I walked down the street to my home, memories of the day replaying in my head.



I hope all my lovely nonverbal readers feel included ❤️❤️❤️

Thanks for reading! <333


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