Pure Ordinary Confusion

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Confusion is a word that I would use to define my life. Who am I, what am I, where am I? All very valid very relevant questions that are most likely common amongst 15 year olds. My name is Alexa Cecile Capello commonly known as the younger sister of Audrina Jayne Capello around school. I have stereotypical brown hair and grayish green eyes.  My best friend is Harper Ashleigh Lamon and we are sophomores at a very tiny high school.

“Audrina, come on were gonna be late!” I called exasperated at how long it took for her to get ready every morning.

“I’m coming! Besides if were a few minutes late it’s not like we’ll miss anything.” Called Audrina from the bathroom.

Ever since Audrina got her license I was dependent on her to get to school and have not been on time once since.

“See we should be almost on time.” Audrina said as she shut the car door.

I sighed as I rolled my eyes it was the same thing every morning. And sure enough a few minutes later I was collecting my tardy slip before heading off to my English class. By the time I got there they were already in discussion about that day’s topic.

“Oh Alexa, late again I see. Do you have your slip?” Asked my English teacher Ms. Staley.

I handed it to her without a word and skulked to my seat between Harper and Ivy Palmer.

Harper gave me the look she gives me every morning the one that just screams “seriously late again?”

“Okay class so your first term project I want you to pick a current event and present your personal feeling about it.” Said Ms. Staley.

Ivy next to me raised her hand, “can it be about anything?”

“Yes Ivy anything, the goal of this is to get you all more involved in what is going on in the world and developing your own unique opinions. I want you to try to have fun with this” Ms. Staley smiled.

I glanced across the room and noticed Brooke Lyn Kader writing something on a piece of paper and sliding it over to Layton Zeeger. Brooke Lyn’s hair was slightly different today multicolored hair clips were holding back her purple streaked side bangs. Layton looked at little surprised at the notes contents. I wonder what it said.

“Alexa, since you seem to be so lost in thought about your project maybe you could pass out the project rubric?” Ms. Staley said dropping a pile of papers on the desk in front of me.

“ummm okay” I said picking up the papers and placing one on every desk. Once I was I done i returned to my seat to glance it over. The room around me buzzed with people discussing their project ideas.

“Alexa, do you have any ideas on what you want to do your project on? Asked Harper still looking over her rubric.

“Nah I’ll do some internet research later or something. Do you know what you’re doing?”

“I think so but I think it’s a bad idea to discuss it before I think it out more” Harper smirked.

“Okay class we only have a few minutes left so start thinking about your projects and remember you have a journal entry do tomorrow. Have a good day all” Called Ms. Staley as the bell rang.

“What’s your next class?” Asked Harper.

“Math what is yours?”

“Science technology” Harper grimaced

“Oh good luck with that I’ll see you at lunch” I said turning down a side hallway.

I walked in to math and sat down and pulled out my books. Mr. Edwards reviewed homework and then assigned more which I then rushed through only to find a considerable amount of class time left. Being bored I decided to work on my English journal. I didn’t really have anything to say though so I just used the optional topic. “Pick an embarrassing moment that has either happened to you or you witnessed someone else have. How did it make you feel?”

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