38. Genertion is key

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Adriano POV

Its been a month since me and Hannah lost our virginities to each other.

I wake up to the sound of someone throwing up. I look to my side...Hannah ain't here. It must be her.

I go to our bathroom and I open the door. I see Hannah on her knees. I go behind her and hold her hair back.

"Its okay baby. " I say patting her back.

She keeps throwing up for a few minutes than stops.

"Are you okay?" I ask her

"Ye I think. I've been feeling nauseous for over a week but this is the first time I've actually gone sick. " she says

"Could you be pregnant?" I ask

"No I couldn't ...could I ?" She asks me

"Well it depends. When did you get your last period. " I ask

"Before the wedding" she say

"Come on were going to the hospital" I say


Were now back home from the hospital. We've found out Hannah's pregnant. This will be mum and dads second grandchild.

Matteo and Bella had a child around a year ago. Alexander Albero. He's the heir of the Italian mafia.

Hannah's now upstairs in bed. She's a month along. We haven't spoken about the baby yet but I know I want to keep it, but if she doesn't want it then I don't know what I'll do. I'll be devastated.

I'm in the middle of cooking Hannah pancakes. I've stacked them and added cream and berries on it. Just how she likes it.

I make my way upstairs and see Hannah lying on the bed.

"Hannah" I say

"Yes" she says. She sits up on the bed and sees the pancakes and her eyes widened.

"You did this all for me?" She asks

I nod.

I make my way over to the bed and sit by her side. I give her the tray. She starts eating i, u reach over to grab some and she slaps my hand away.

"No" she says

"Why? I made it" I say back

"Adriano no. Its mine" she says

"Ughh fine" I say

"Adriano don't be like that. I am eating for two now after all" she says

"So you want to keep it then" I say

"Of course I do. Its our child, our first child. " she says

"Thank fuck for that " I say


4 months later

Its 4 months since we found out Hannah's pregnant. Its now time for her ultrasound. The doctor has put the gel on her tummy.

"Okay you can now look at the screen to see your babies" she says

"Babies!?" Hannah screams

"Oh sorry didn't I tell you?" The nurse says

I shake my  head. No.

"Your having twins. A girl and a boy. Congratulations" the nurse says.

Me and Hannah look at each other. Were both as shocked as each other.

"I'll leave you two to it while I go get the photograph" the nurse says

"Twins? How did that happen?" She says

"Well twins do run in the family" I say

"I'm gonna have to push out two!?" She says and i chuckle

"Don't worry baby, I'll be there"I say

"Even though I could chop your dick off right now I still love you and our children in here growing"she says placing a hand on her bump.

"and I love you too. All of you " I say kissing her bump.

The doctor comes back and gives us the photograph. Twins! I can't believe it. Its a start of our family!


We've just arrived home in the car.

"Come on. You can go upstairs and have a nice hot bath" I say kissing her for head.

"Nah, I'll have one tonight I'm not in the mood for a bath right now. " she says

"Okay" I say unlocking the house.

I let Hannah in first and I follow her.

"Surprise!" I hear everyone shout.

I look up to see all my family.

"What the fuck?" I say

"Oi language. There is a child in the room" Bella says pointing at Alexander

"Sorry" I say

"What's all this?" Hannah asks

"Well we knew you didn't want a baby shower so we thought we could give you a small party with only family" my mum says

"Aww thankyou" Hannah says hugging my mother.

"Oh my god look at that cake" I say

"Gimme" Hannah says running over to the kitchen which makes everybody laugh.

She starts shoving cake in her mouth "what?" She says.

"Nothing love" I say


Were both now lying in bed. Hannah is pretty tired I think.

I'm looking at my laptop checking my emails for work.

"Adriano" Hannah says

"Yes my love" I say

"Can u fuck me?" She asks

"What?" I say

"Fuck me" she says

"Hannah, your pregnant... We can't" I say

"Oh I get it. I'm fat so you don't want to fuck me!" She says

"No Hannah I don't think that. Your beautiful. Its just I don't want to harm the babies" I say

"We won't! Look Adriano, I'm pregnant, I'm fucking horny! So can you just fuck me please" she says

"Alright" I say

She screams excitedly which makes me laugh.

"On the bed now. Go on all fours" I say


Authors Note.
Hey lovelies

Hannah's pregnant with twins.

Don't have much to say

Hope you keep reading
Thankyou for so many views and readers

Thankyou so much XXX

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