35. News to Me

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Adriano POV

I got called into Matteo's office. I walk into his office and see Dad and Matteo sitting behind his desk.

"Wanted to see me?" I ask

"Yes son. We wanted to discuss something with you" he says

"Alright. " I say

"And before we tell you, we want what's best for you" Matteo says

"Ye okay" I say

"Your getting married" dad says

"What! No I'm not!" i shout

"Yes you are bro. Its final" Matteo says

"I don't want to get married yet! I'm 20 years old!" I shout

"You are Adriano! Its final!!!" Matteo shouts

"Look we couldn't get Nicolo with her could we? She would be heart broken. And Emilio is engaged. And Matteo is married himself and well, we can't match up Luna yet because she's too young" Dad says

"Luna's the same age as me!!! We're twins!!" I shout

"Thats not the point. You are the only one of your brother left that I can actually trust that you won't cheat on her " my dad says

"I don't even have a choice do I?" I say

"No" my dad answers

I stand up. I'm furious, how could they do this???!!

"Be ready by 6" Matteo says before I exit the door and bang the door behind me.

I see Sienna outside Matteo's office with wide eyes.

"You okay?" She asks slowly

"No! I have to get married to someone. " I say

"Well thats good isnt it" she says

"No! I don't know the girl. Why can't I pick my own wife. I've still got my career to think about. I'm going to spend so many hours in the hospital at the moment I will hardly see her" I say

"Adriano, don't worry. You'll do fine. I'm sure she's a nice,beautiful girl that will be lucky to have you." She says

"I bet you she's not used to mafia life either. That'll be another thing on my hands" I say while running my hand through my hair.

"Look, don't worry. " she says pulling me into a hug.

I walk up to my room. I sit on the side of my bed. I run my hand through my hair frustratingly.

I stand up and look at myself in the mirror. I punch it, the mirror smashes and my fist bleeds.

Luna walks in.

"Adriano, Sienna just told me...I'm so sorry your-" she stops and looks at my fist.

"What happened? She asked

" I punched the mirror" I say

"Adriano, don't take it out on the mirror" she says by looking at me in a disappointed way.  "I'm just kidding, come on. Your coming to the gym. I'll get Adrian to come too. He's downstairs. " she says

" Alright then" I say and stand up.

Me,Adrian and Luna go to the gym.  I instantly go to the punching bag.

"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down." Adrian says while coming behind the punching bag to slow me down.

"Adriano, I know your angry but breaking your knuckles against this hard punching bag isn't going to help. Take it easy." Luna says

"Okay. I'm just frustrated. Why do they have to make my decisions for me. Im only fucking 20, I've got enough time for a relationship. I'm trying to make myself a steady career, but no....they had to destroy that and involve me in an arranged marriage" I say

"Adriano, I know you dont appreciate this but atleast try this. She might be a really nice girl." Luna says

"Or she could be a bitch thats an absolute psychopath that will kill you in your sleep" Adrian says which earns a stern look from Luna and a hard slap on his chest.

"Sorry...only joking" Adrian says

"I'm going back to my room. Get ready and all that. I do want to make a good impression on my fiancée. Matteo told me to be ready by 6 so you should do the same" I say before exiting the gym.

I took a shower, washed my hair and did my usual routine.

I got out and wore my black suit. With a white shirt with no tie. And two buttons from the top undone.

I grab my brand new gold watch to my wrist and I add my signature scent.

I look at my watch. Its 6. Time to go meet my fiancé.


Authors Note.

Hey lovelies.

Adriano is getting married.

But...to who?

Keep reading.

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