23. Eve of Love

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Maria POV

It's Christmas eve. We're back from Switzerland.  I love Christmas Eve. There's always something magical about it. I've loved Christmas Eve since I was a child. I want to make Christmas day the best one we've had yet as a family.

I am currently baking cookies with all the kids for Santa. Its been a tradition that Enzo and Ellena and their kids and Gabs and Luca and their kids all stay in mine and Dante's home for Christmas eve and Christmas day.

The questions that we keep on getting asked is "how will Santa know we're here mummy"

That question has been asked around a thousand times and with the same answer "because he's magic"

We put the cookies in the over to bake and all sat down to watch a Christmas film.

The film gets interrupted when Aldo runs around the house blocking the view of the television when trying to kiss Amara with a mistletoe.

In the end Aldo does get a kiss by Amara and everyone goes 'aww' but all the kids goes 'yuck'

So cute! I swear if Gabs and Ellena aren't going to be related in law after that I will eat my hat.

I go to the kitchen to get the cookies out of the oven.

I let them cool and go back to sit next to Dante and Sienna on the sofa.

We finish the movie.

I get the kids to bed and set up the food for Santa.

All of the adults sit back on the sofa to chill.

All the presents are wrapped, everything's ready and we've got all the food for tomorrow.

"Let's play a game" Luca says.

"What are you,ten?"Dante says.

" No, either Never have I ever or truth or dare or-" Luca got cut off by Gabs saying "ooh let's play truth or dare. I haven't played in years."

"Alright then" I say.

"Right, Dante Truth or Dare?"Luca says.

"Truth" he says.

"Boring!" Enzo says loudly

"Shut up!" He says back.

"Alright, on a rate to 1-100 how much do you love Maria " Luca says.

"1000" he says.

"Aww thanks baby" I say.

I peck his cheek which leaves a red lip mark on his cheek.

"Gabs, truth Or dare" Ellena says.

"Dare" she answers.

"I dare you to suck Luca's fingers" Ellena says.

Gabs sucks Leon's fingers. And I can say, I would not do that.

"Maria. Truth or Dare." Gabs says.

"Truth" I answer

"Where is the weirdest place you have ever had sex" she asks.

"Fuck, don't judge me by this but on a ferris wheel" I say.

"How the hell? Your wild girl" Ellena says

"Luca, truth or dare?" Dante says.

"Dare" Luca answers.

"I dare you to remove any three clothes from your body" Dante says.

"Alright" he answers while removing his shirt, socks and trousers.

I've got to tell you Luca has god a nice body but Dante is way better. Dante is practically sex on legs and I can never resist him.

"Ellena truth or dare?" I ask.

"Dare" she says.

"I dare you to suck Enzo off in your room" I say.

I knew what I was doing. I knew they still hadn't slept together since the last time and it was a long time. So I thought they needed this push.

They went upstairs and I'll put it this way, they never came out of their room.

All of us eventually went to bed. Me and Dante were laying awake in bed talking.

"I love the way our lives turned out" he says.

"Ye I do too. Imagine if our parents didn't set us up. What our lives would be now?" I say.

"I know. I love you so much Maria" he says.

"I love you too Dante." I say.

He then goes and reach something from the cupboard. And I look at the clock 24:00. Its Christmas.

He faces me again and reaches a mistletoe and puts it above our head.

We kiss

"Merry Christmas Mrs Albero" he says.

"Merry Christmas Mr Albero. " I say.


Authors Note.
Hey lovelies.

Its Christmas eve. (I know its honestly not but just imagine. )

Kind of short chapter.


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