26. Future is Now

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Matteo POV

12 years has passed since the meeting in my dads office about the marriage between me and Bella.

Since then, I've proposed to Bella. Even though this maybe won't count as an actual wedding because of the contract but we both love each other and I thought it would be the perfect time.

I have now taken over as the Don of the Italian Mafia and Bella's taken over as the Leader of the Lizard gang.

I am now 23, Emilio and Nicolo are 21, Luna and Adriano are 19, and Sienna is 17. Emilio is currently dating Brooke. Nicolo is just a play boy, so nothing's changed there. Adriano is too focused in his career as a Doctor for a relationship. (Ik he's young, he's in college still studying at the same place Luna does) Luna's just studying some random shit. She don't wanna be there but Dad insisted. She just wants to come help me with the mafia. And Sienna is still in school, she's smart and has a bright future.

I'm probably the closest with Luna then all of my siblings. I'm also really close to Sienna. I protect my baby sisters, Luna's had a couple of boyfriends but none of them has last. I think they might be scared of us. She did always say, in high school everyone used to be terrified of her. Except her best friend Lydia and Mia.

Were all apart of the mafia but me and Luna does the most, and my best friend Leon is my right hand man. Also with his brother Carlo. He's trying to chat up Luna but Luna's told him straight where to go.

Me and Bella have been married for a month now. So the only dream I have left with her now is to have children. We both know that we want children but we haven't spoken about when to actually start a family.

Our mansion is beautiful. Its not far from my mum and dads house. Also not far from the warehouse. Leon, Carlo, Luna and Adriano lives here aswell. But Luna has a little attached apartment for privacy.

Its around 5 o'clock. This is the time Luna and Adriano usually comes home from work. I didn't need to go to the warehouse today, so I stayed at home. Bella got called in, I tried to persuade her to stay but it was something important so she had to go.

She's been gone for a good 5 hours now, so I'm starting to wonder when will she be back.

The door opens and I see Bella. My darling wife, god I love her.

"You okay?" I ask her.

"Ye, I'm stressed. How did you cope on your own for half a day without me. " she says wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Horribly, I missed you" I say.

She pecks me on the lips, how I really want to just fuck her now, but I know if the others walk in. I won't hear the last of it.

"You seem tired. How about I go run you a bath" I say.

"Ye that would be lovely, how about you join me as well?" She asks smirkingly.

"OK mi amor. " I say kissing her nose before heading upstairs.

We both walk upstairs to our bedroom. I run a bath and minutes later its full.

We both get in, me and Bella facing eachother.

"Matteo..?"she says in her soft voice.

" yes mi amor " I answer.

"When do you recon we're going to start a family?" She asks.

"Its up to you mi amor." I say.

"Well, were both 23. And I want to have all my children by I'm 31. And we both want 3 or 4. And around 2 years or three year gap so that concludes to starting now.." She says.

"Well, do you want to start trying then?" I ask.

"Possible, I'll have to stop taking birth control." She says

"Good, that means I can fuck you all night and don't care if we end up having little feet running around the house. " I say leaning in to kiss her.

"I like the sound of that" she says before wrapping her hands around my neck and kisses me passionately.


Authors Note.
Hey lovelies.

Its how Matteo and Bella's life turned out.

Keep reading to have more...


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