32. Fight Club

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Luna POV

We walk to the door of the fight club.

"Stay together. If anything goes wrong we meet by the car. Okay?" I say and Nadia and Sienna nod.

I walk in first and Nadia and Sienna walks behind me side by side. All eyes are on us. Its around 10 minutes before fights begin so everyone's not really busy.

I hear some wolf whistles coming from pathetic men but I keep a straight face. I walk to our usual spot, in the corner of my eye I see Adrian, Diego and Hugo by the bar talking. But then his sight instantly turns to me.

The three of us sit in our usual spot.

"What do you want to drink?" I ask the girls

"Anything" Nadia says

"Something with alcohol" Sienna says

"Your underage" I say

"I don't care. Please" she says.

"Fine!" I say

I walk over to the bar and I go around a meter away from where Adrian and them are standing. I can see him staring at me. Mostly of what I'm wearing and the revealing top.

I order the drinks and he comes over.  "Alright amore" he says.

"Alright Adrian" I say

"Your looking good" he says

"Thanks" I say

He leans in to my ear and whispers "still prefer you with nothing on " he says smirking

"Mhm, well you should see the amount of bites I have now because of you" I say

"Ye your right I should see them" he says "I'm really trying to stop my self" he adds

"Stop yourself from what?" I ask

"Kissing you" he says

"Then do it " I say

It doesn't take long until our lips are connected. Working in the same rhythm. I pull away after a bit because I don't want too much people to notice .

"Come on, you can sit with us" I say and we both walk back to where I left the girls earlier but I also see Hugo and Diego there with them.

Hugo has his arm around Sienna sitting on one sofa, Nadia and Diego are also sitting by eachother on another sofa,  that leaves only one single sofa seat. Adrian sits down and he taps his lap as if to tell me to sit on him.

I do, and he grabs hold of my waist. Then we suddenly hear the host starting to speak.

"Welcome everyone. The first fight will be between Dark Angel and Fierce Fox. Dark is the current girl champion so will Fierce Fox be able to beat her?" She spoke. I knew Fierce Fox was Olive. 

They both come on stage. I recognize the other woman. She's the one I spoke to this morning , the one that called me a hoe. So its obviously Adrian's men from his mafia.

The fight begins, it was really intense. But Olive doesn't win. So Dark Angel is still the champion.

The host comes back on stage and says "really close fight between Dark Angel and Fierce Fox. Seems to me that Dark Angel is unbeaten. But will that change in the fight where she chooses her aponant? The next fight is Knight and Snipper " she says before leaving the stage once again

I turn to Adrian but he was already looking at me.

"You have beautiful eyes" he says

"Thanks, you have beautiful skin" I say which earns a chuckle from him.

"Skin?" He says

"Yes, I love all of your tattoos. " I say

"Ye they all have a separate meaning" he says

"Ye so does mine. " I say

"You have tattoos?" He asks

"Ye didn't you notice them last night?" I ask

"No " he says

"Well you obviously didn't look hard enough" I say

"Ye, that might be a challenge for me tonight" he says

"That depends" I say bringing my face closer to his.

"On what?" He says

"If I'll let you" I say

"Oh amore. You will" he says.

The fight ends and Knight wins.

A few more fights happened. It was time for dark angel to choose who she wanted to fight.

The host came back on stage.

"Okay so dark angel has chosen to fight any member from the Italian Mafia. Do we have any members present?" She said.

Me and Sienna looked at eachother shocked. I mouthed her 'I'll do it' she mouthed back 'no you cant' and I said 'I will don't worry'

"Do we have anyone present?" She asked.

Sienna shook her head at me.

"No? OK never mind" she said before turning her back and heading back stage but before she got to the end I shouted "im a member" while standing up.

She looked back. "Brilliant. Someone get her backstage ready" she said.

Sienna came up to me "what are you doing? We never fight?" She said.

"Sienna, I have to. I've got unfinished business with her" I said

"Alright well be careful" she said before sitting back down.

Adrian stood up and gave me a hug, he whispered. "She has a bad leg right side, not long ago she broke her rib on the right side and her arm being twisted makes it dislocate"

"Thanks for the info" I said before heading onto the stage.

I step onto the stage and the host comes to speak to me. "So what's your fighting name?" She asked.

"Luna Albero" I said

"Y-your t-the a-actual daughter of D-dante and M-maria A-albero?" She asked while stuttering.

"Yes I am." I answered confidently.

"Alright. Well, if you win that means your the champion, if you loose she will still be the champion " she said and I nod.

"Everyone. The fight you all have been waiting for, Dark Angel vs Luna Albero" the host says and cheers are yelled in the room.

The host walks off and Dark Angel throws a punch at me but I block it. O throw a punch at her jaw, it hit her. She kicks my ankle and I curse in pain.

I kick her in the ribs on the right side, the same side Adrian told me she had broken not long ago. She curses in pain and yelps.

I take this as an advantage to kick her sore leg. She fell to the floor and squirms in pain once again. She then twirls around on the floor which makes me go flying and fall to the ground with a big bang.

She goes on top of me and punches my face but I block it. I head but her head and she falls off of me. I punch her and kick her until she gives up and I can see blood running out of her mouth.

The host runs on stage and shouts "we have a winner. Give it up for our new champion Luna Albero" the room is filled with cheers from various people.

I walk off stage with a big grin on my face. I go sit with everyone else, today has been a good day.


Authors Note
Hey lovelies

Luna is the champion

Keep reading


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