31. Discoveries

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Luna POV

I am now back home. I'm currently sat in Matteo's office with him, and all of my siblings.

"So what did you find out?" He asks

"The people that bombed the ball was Emily and Olivia. Adrian's cousins." I say

"What? Their fucking useless, how did they bomb that place?" Emilio asks

"I don't know. But they were targeting me." I say

"What?" Matteo says angrily

"Don't worry, its fine." I say

"How can it be fine, they are targeting you Luna. " Matteo says

"Matteo, we handled them, they wanted to kill me because I killed their brother and thats why they tried to hurt Nadia. "I say

" Why did they want Nadia? " Nicolo asks

"Because they knew it would lead to me getting there" I say

"So what happened to them?" Adriano asks

"Adrian killed them" I say which makes everyone's eyes widen.

"He did what?" Matteo said

"He shot them. After we interviewed them of course. " I say

"Their his family though" Sienna said

"He didn't like them. He said he was relived that their dead. And you know what? Their parents phoned Adrian right after and said thank you " I say which made everyone laugh

"Right, just to let you know. Some of our men will be fighting tonight. Luna will you be able to go? All of us men are on a mission" Matteo says

"Ye thats fine. Sienna you coming with me?" I asked

"Ye go on then. Who's fighting from our men?" She asked

"Robert, James, Tia and olive. " Matteo said.

"Alright. What time does the fight begin?" I ask

"Around 8" Matteo said

"Okkii" I reply

"Stay safe please both of you. And if you have any trouble tell Robert or one of the guys. " Emilio says

"Ok, cmon Sienna. Let's go get ready" I say and I lead her out of the office.

We walk up the stairs and into my room.

"So . ..." She says

"What?" I ask

"So, is that a hickey on your neck or a bite?" She asks which made me grab my neck quickly. She laughed.

"Only kidding. Its not obvious. But you need to put a bit more concealer on it. Anyways, spill. Is that from Adrian or one of his men?" She asks me .

I forgot how smart my sister was. She obviously knew I was lying.

"It was Adrian. " I say blushing at the thought of him.

"Ooohhh!!! Spill the tea. Did you do the deed?" She asks

"Sienna!! " I say

"What? I want to know. " she says

"Alright. Yes we did. Let's just say he fucks as good as he looks. " I say

"I wonder if Hugo's the same" she says quietly and my eyes widen at her.

"Sienna! Do you like Hugo?" I ask

"Possibly. I don't know ." she said "anyway less about me. Are you two an item?" She asks

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