17. Screams in the Animals

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Maria POV

The trip to France were a couple of hours. In the mean time I had changed into all black and I had this shield barrier thing over my belly to protect the baby.  It was bullet proof and knife proof. And I had one on my back as well. I told Dante I didn't need one, but he insisted.

Everyone else changed into some sort of black  leather suit thing. Everyone had three guns and three knives strapped somewhere.

"What are we going to do Dante?" Luca asked.

"I don't know yet I'm still thinking about it" he answered.

"I've got a plan" I said.

"Again!? Fucking hell I swear you were born to be in the mafia." Enzo said which made me chuckle.

"Go on mi amor." Dante said.

"OK, so they know that the Don's wife is pregnant. And they don't know how i look like. We could send someone in there, and make them look pregnant and put a wedding ring on their finger. They pretend to be the Don's wife. They Distract the leader and another woman goes in there looking hell attractive and takes the guards attention. While that happens we let our men in and they fight everyone. While everyone is busy fighting, the other call for back up so they get rid of the guards who's watching where Gabs is. So Luca and someone else sneaks in and gets Gabs. We then leave everyone dead except our men obviously. Leave there and everything's fine." I said.

"Some of that could work." Dante said.

"I'll be the one that pretends to be pregnant and the Don's wife. " Ellena said.

"No, I'm not putting you in that danger. " Dante said.

"Look Dante, it makes sense. We've been seen together. They don't know we're siblings. Its perfect. " Ellena said.

"She's got a point Dante." I said.

"OK fine. But I'm putting a tracker in you. And your going to have a phone on you so when you find out where Gabs is you tell us and when you think your in danger you call us. " Dante said.

"Who's going to be the woman that distracts them?" Enzo asked.

"We could get one of the women to do it. What's her name umm Kia." Ellena said.

"Yes I suppose she is the strongest woman we have." Dante said.

"I mean she is really pretty." I said.

"Not as pretty as you mi amor." Dante whispered into my ear. Which made me blush.

"What am I doing Dante?" I asked.

"You'll stay in the car." He said.

"No. I've come this far, I'm going to help." I said stubbornly.

"No, I'm not putting you into danger. If you weren't pregnant with my child then it would be fine.  You are 6 months and a half gone, almost 7 months Maria. But because its my child in there your not going. " he said.

"No. You said I could come so that means I'm going in there to save Gabs. I'll stay by your side and Luca can even be there to protect me. " I said.

"NO! They will see your bump and know that Ellena is lying. That could put you and her in danger. " he said firmly.

"Fine!" I said.

Like I'm going to listen to him. I'm getting into that warehouse one way or another.

Gabs POV

I woke up in a dark basement. What the..? Where am I?

Last thing I remember was sitting on my bed in mine and Luca's room. He just went to take a shower. And I started to read my book I've started. And now I'm waking up here.

Oh god. I've been kidnapped.

Who? Why? I'm literally useless.

If Its about the mafia I don't have a clue. Yes I know how to fight and handle guns and stuff. My father was a detective. So I got taught them since I was young.

I know zero info. They might think something stupid like I'm Maria. Imagine that. Wait. . they couldn't, could they?

I heard noise from outside the door. They were speaking a bit of French. I know French but it was a bit mumbled.

"Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire d'elle ?" One of them asked. (What are you going to do with her)

"Je vais lui poser quelques questions et je verrai ensuite. Je pourrais m'amuser un peu avec elle." The other answered.
(I'm going to ask her some questions and then see. I might have a bit of fun with her. )

Are they speaking about me? What type of questions?  What kind of fun?

Soon both men entered the basement.

"OK Darling. We know who you are. So when we will ask you these questions you won't play around you'll answer them truthfully. " the tall one said.

"OK, but who do you think I am then?" I answered.

"Your Maria Albero, Dante Albero's wife. Your the Don's wife. And the little baby your carrying there is the future heir. " the short one said. He was slightly shorter than the other.

"I'm not Maria Albero. Yes I know who they both are. Maria is my best friend. And this baby is certainly not Dante's. " I said.

"Ye like were going to believe that Darling." He said.

"Its the truth. Can't you see that there's not a ring on this finger." I said slightly sassy.

"How do we know you've taken it off?" He said.

"Oh please. I've got more style than Dante Albero. This baby's father is Luca. Dante's best friends. So if you don't mind can you let me go now please?" I said.

"We will not let you go but we will move you from this basement to another room because there was a mistake." One of the men said.

"Really?" I said.

"No! You think we're as soft as that. We won't hurt you or anything because we don't want to harm the baby because its obviously not the person your meant to be. " the other man said.

Before I knew it they left me and I was not all alone again in this basement.

"Hey there little one. Everything will be okay, i promise. At least I've got you with me. " I say-whisper.


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